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Quick Raids 13 and 14 - Level 6

One of Prapor's little "boost" packages included two sets of Level 4 armor.  Awesome!! I really need those. I lost them both in less than 5 minutes.

Quest: The Bronze Pocketwatch

Destination: Customs

I don't have much time to play today, so I really want to get this pocketwatch quest done.

Raid 13 - Too Fast

Loadout: MP5 with three 30 round magazines of mixed ammo (Pst gzh, PSO, and RIP). Level 4 armor. Ears, meds, rig, backpack. No grenades.

Spawned into the big vehicle garage in the cul-de-sac of the industrial section. I believe there is loot in this building, but I was eager to get to Dorms to get the key.  I headed out, as I passed the gate of the cul-de-sac I worried about other PMCs that might have spawned in the area.  I went through the hole in the wall to where there may be scavs, but probably no other players.

The military checkpoint was empty. I started to cross the road when suddenly a scav shouted at me and began firing. He must have just spawned in.  My reactions this time were good - I didn't stop and try to fight him, instead I turned around and zig-zag ran to a big pipe section that runs along the wall to use it for cover.  The scav clipped me, but my armor saved me.  I got to the pipe, took cover and turned around. Where is the scav? I couldn't see anyone at the checkpoint, began to broaden my view when a flash of weaponfire from the checkpoint caught my attention and I was hit, arm damaged. Fuck. Worse, I still can't see him. He fired again. Where the hell is he? I need to move.  I'll put some distance between me and him and try one of those vehicles as cover. I started running in the direction of New Gas - there was a scav in the road ... or is that a PMC with no armor?  Well, whatever he is he wasn't for long. My MP5 came up and I blasted him in the chest and head. BAM - I got hit again from the invisible checkpoint scav and now my leg is blacked. Shit. I continued toward better cover - there's another armorless combatant at the vehicle. I raised my weapon and fired - but it was too late, he already had a bead on me. (Why did I not hear the two PMC footsteps in the road?)

Time In Raid: One minute, 41 seconds. 
Exp: 200
Killed: USEC (Level 0-10)
Killed By: PideTods      Good game PideTods.  Good luck with your pistol quest.
Ammo Used: 15, Hits: 4, Damage to Body: 150
On the post mortem, I was shot by four different calibers:  7.62x39mm PS, 9x19mm, 9x18mm and 7mm Buckshot (who was firing Buckshot?)   What did I stumble into?


  • moving too fast.  I was simply too hurried. I should have approached the gap more cautiously and have had a better sense of what was there before advancing into the road.
  • unable to see Scav who was firing on me
  • apparently there was a fourth assailant (probably a scav) that I didn't know about. This is entirely on me - dying when it's four to one is excusable but heading into someplace completely oblivious to the presence of four different combatants (two scavs, two PMCs) is nobodies fault but mine
  • died


  • killed a PMC
  • good reaction to head back to cover
  • though I conducted the combat a bit inelegantly, overall it wasn't terrible. Was trying to move, trying to keep to cover. 

Raid 14 - No Better

Loadout: Class 4 armor and an AK-74M modified with laser and foregrip, et cetera.

Spawned next to wall that runs between dorms and railroad. This is one of the new closest dorms spawns, might as well make use of it.  So despite knowing that the mistake last raid was hurrying too much, I hurried again - have the position might as well exploit it.  I circled around behind the dormitories - third story is the furthest from my starting place. As I came around the rear corner I paid attention for anyone who might be coming. The other closest spawn might come this way.   But it seemed clear. I continued around the building towards the next corner, where the stairs next to the kiosk are.  This wall doesn't have a lot of cover - some trees and bushes, a stack of tires. I reached the next corner. Seemed clear. I switched to auto-fire, but forgot to turn on my aiming laser. Just as I was about to ascend, I heard footsteps approaching. I don't want to be trapped on the stairs when he arrives. I backpedaled along the side of the building.  Can I reach the tires in time? Would they even be good cover, being so close to the wall?  The PMC came into view. I fired, he fired. I hit him, but this damn AK is not like the Vityaz or MP5 I've been using recently. The weapon lurched upwards, I struggled to bring it back down on target. My assailant clobbered me good with an M4. Is he dead? I stepped away. I heard him reload. Oh, yes, reloading, that would be a good idea. I started to reload too. But this is clearly not the stream-of-consciousness of someone who is going to win this fight. I spun around again as I finished reloading, just in time to see him finish cutting me down.

Time In Raid: 2 minutes, 55 seconds.
Exp: 0 
Killed By: FearlessWH  - nice work FearlessWH.  Please, don't take my stuff. 
Ammo Used: 30    Hits: 2   Accuracy: .03 (terrible!!)   Damage to Body: 54.  Damage to Armor: 39


  • Not practicing with the AK-74 before the raid.  
  • Conducted combat very poorly - Perhaps I should have focused on reaching cover. Perhaps I should have ran to cover before engaging. Instead it was two boobs standing in the clear shooting each other. 
  • Deplorable accuracy.  Should have aimed lower and had the weapon rise. Or just single shotted the head.
  • Died
  • Died with 0 Exp.


  • None


I ran a scav raid after, to try and get that machinery key in Dorms. No luck.  But I encountered a very friendly scav and we ran around the map for awhile. I couldn't get my voice lines to work, or my melee weapon. We hit stash after stash, but they were all already emptied. Met up with a third scav, traded some loot, though I had precious little to offer.  It was, by far, the most bizarre scav experience I've ever had.  If you need to kill scavs as a PMC, just wait out the raid. 10 minutes from the end, it's nothing but scavs.


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