I got the machinery key as a scav. Now to get the watch.
Raid 15 - Fractured Watch
Loadout: Well loved Class 4 armor, AK-74N with some mags of 5.45x39mm BP and PS, meds, ears, small rig, backpack, and no grenade.
Spawned along road in front of the customs house. I got squeezed between two other spawns the last time I caught this spawn. I entered a bush and waited. Take my time, let's see if anyone comes waltzing along from any of the neighboring spawns. No one did. After a few minutes I heard some action in the customs house yard, but the road was quiet. So I headed out.
I crossed the river on the low junk bridge, checking that everything was clear before heading out. I crossed the first span, double checked that everything was clear, and then walked across the second metal span. Just as I finished crossing I saw someone above me. I dove into a bush, leaned out and started firing. My adversary ducked behind a tree and began leaning out to return fire. I don't have hard cover here, only concealment, this isn't safe. I ran forward up the hill slightly and took cover behind a tree, leaned out, and took him down. Despite the giant purple backpack, he looked like a player scav, not a PMC. I hustled over to his body. Yes - a player scav. I started looting. Perhaps prematurely.
Someone started firing over my head - I ran back down the hill and over - to get cover from a rock. And not a moment too soon, because a grenade was thrown. Fortunately I was gone when it detonated. I rose up the hill - no sign of my assailants. I peeked the road - no one. Who threw that grenade and from where? Maybe they are down the hillside already - heading to the metal span. I flanked wide. After crossing the road I ran into an AI scav in the open field (an unusual place). I brought him down, but didn't loiter. I went and took the top of the hill between dorms and construction. No sight of anyone anywhere - no one in the intersection, no one on the main bridge. No one on the roads or anywhere in-between. Still not sure who had been firing on me earlier. Oh well. Whatever.
I made my way to construction, entering it from the gap in the wall that faces dorms. It was quiet. I went behind one of the tanks to loot the grenade box there, hoping to get grenades. But just got ammo. Just then heard someone else approaching, I think from the same gap in the wall that I had taken. I quieted down and began to creep around the tank - quietly trying to enter the bush and avoid the barbed wire. But even with my speed at the lowest and crouching I still made noise. The player took a position just on the other side of the tank from me. He stepped and turned, stepped and turned. I could hear the concrete under his boots. Does he know I'm here? I braced for an attack, but none came. What is he doing? I should run around this thing and kill him. I started raising my walk speed again and going through the checklist - I'll run to the edge of the tank, lean out left, hit him fast. My weapon is on autofire, right? And I reloaded earlier, right? Just as I was running through these thoughts the player took off, running into the construction area. Weaponfire blasted. Holy shit. I stayed put and stayed quiet. But there were no other sounds.
I left my bush, rounded the tank - no sign of anyone. Crossed over towards construction. The truck door was opened already, and a dead PMC lay outside it. Damn. I did not push to the truck - I circled round the yard - there was an AI scav there. I took him down, but he blacked my arm. God damnit. I don't have a CMS kit with me. But otherwise I was mostly fine. I went to the truck, got the watch. Should I loot the PMC? No, he's some low-level like me and who is having a rough day.
My extract is ZB-011. My plan was to exit construction the way I came and follow the road to New Gas, then jump the razor wire on the pipe. Good plan. I exited construction, went down a bit, and there was a scav in the road. Shit - I have no cover and a blacked arm. I kneeled and aimed down sight, but the damn weapon would not stay trained, the scav turned and blasted me. I fired back. We traded a significant amount of fire, and amazingly I won that fight. But not before he had blacked one of my legs and my other arm ... and gave me fractures in the leg and both arms. I didn't know you could fracture an already blacked limb, good to know. I only had one splint. Used it on my leg. I took a pain killer. Looks like I won't be jumping over that razor wire after all. So I went the long way round, taking pain killers whenever I approached a dangerous spot. I finished severely dehydrated, energy drained, limping and barely able to see. But I survived and finished the damn quest.
Time in Raid: 25 minutes, 19 seconds
Exp: 2092
Kills: Artur Lysyy (player scav), Syoma Spartak (scav), Oficerskiy Dzhentelmen (scav), Korneliy Breyk (scav).
Ammo Used: 78, Hits: 13, Accuracy: 0.13, Damage to Body: 483, Damage to Armor: 13
- I'm not exactly sure what I could have done different that last battle - maybe just rush closer to the scav and autofired him to oblivion. Oy.
- Did not loot any of my kills today, which means I may have overlooked the white armor which I desperately need for Skier.
- I'm trying to learn how to "tap fire" (ie single fire when the weapon is set to autofire). I'm not good at it. Need more practice.
- Didn't get much loot.
- Completed Quest
- Survived
- Excepting the last Scav, most of the combat was conducted fairly OK. Generally used cover. Need to work on my aim (always) and tap firing.
Raid 16 - The Crossing
Kills (scavs): Ashot Torch and Vovchik Lysyy
- "hoping for the door to be open" is probably not a great plan?
- did not kill the PMC at the outset of the raid. I think the chain link fence was blocking the shots for both of us. Most likely I just scared him. But quite the embarrassing mis-read.
- Did not loot the scav bodies. Once again, I may have missed the white armor.
- Survived
- Got a lot of loot, including a nicer chest-rig, which I filled up
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