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Squashed Like a Bug - Raids 123 and 124

I want to try and look for some fights. Fighting some raiders would be great, and maybe the occasional PMC.  So off to the PvP hotspot that is Customs. 

Destination: Customs

Goals: Kill Things and Survive

Progress: Killed some things?

Raid 123 - Squashed

Loadout: Class 5 Ghzel armor, AK-104 with 2x Monstrum scope and canted sight. A 75 round magazine of BP and another of PS.  2 grenades, meds, vita juice, love letter map.

Spawned along roadside on Customs house side of map, just across the entrance to Customs house. I stepped into a bush and prepared my weaponry. Heard weapon fire from inside the Customs house yard. I kept to the bushes and peeked across the road, waiting. The yard seemed quiet - I heard no activity. I crept further down the road, sticking to the bushes. Just as I was about to start moving normally, I heard a player step on metal - a PMC had jumped onto a wrecked car.  How had I not heard his footsteps before this?  I opened fire - I had a little trouble getting the shots placed, but then I focused and two smart shots sent him down. I ran forward, to the cover of a military truck. I heard autofire on my right - I spun, there was another PMC in the bushes just to the right of where I had been - how had I not heard him?, I tried to worm myself behind the vehicle as I aimed and fired - and then another blast of autofire - this one directly behind me, and I was down. 

I think I got smashed between a duo that likely spawned near crossroads extract, and another player that spawned above the river and instead of crossing went backwards.  Ouch.

Time In Raid: 1 minute, 11 seconds
Exp: 440
Killed: USEC level 31-50, headshot
Killed By: Sup_Sooka with several rounds of 9x19mm 7N31. Probably a Vector.  Congratulations Sup_Sooka
Ammo Used: 14, Hits: 2, Accuracy: 0.14, Damage to Body: 92  


  • maybe shouldn't have left the bush so quickly - but I was trying to get to hard cover in case that first PMC wasn't down or had a friend near
  • how did I not hear those first two PMCs? 
  • unlucky


  • downed a PMC

Raid 124 - Bug

Loadout: Class 5 Ghzel armor, Ash-12 with four 20 round magazines of PS12B, meds.

I bought this Ash-12 awhile ago and tested it offline. To be honest, I'm not a fan. It's just too hard to aim.  But maybe it'll prove itself on a raid. 

Spawned in the trailer park far corner.  Well, at least I won't get squashed between two spawns.  Made my way carefully to the river.  Scoped the river - I saw what looked like one scav move in the distance, but otherwise quiet.  I crossed via the lower land bridge to RUAF extract. There was a scav there - with some difficulty I killed him.  Seemingly no one else around. I started working my way up toward the wall that overlooks the bridge. Quiet.  I crept through the bushes. Through one of the holes in the wall I saw a PMC prone on the skeleton, aiming across the river. I aimed down sight, leaned left and began firing on him.  I fired off a great volley of shots, but I don't think a single one landed. Just then a blast of autofire cut into me. It sounded like it was originated on the other side of the wall, but I think I must have crept out of the safety of its hard cover and into the exposed opening.  I staggered away, all systems red. I had multiple fractures, bleeds and heavy bleeds. I hot-keyed my meds crawling to get away from the opening. My esmarch took care of one heavy bleed, but not the second. I hit G to throw a grenade, in case the duo decided to push, but I had forgotten to equip myself with any in my loadout.  Damnit.  I have an IFAK, I need to use it on this bleed. I staggered to a bush, brought up my health screen and bled out.

Time In Raid: 7 minutes, 30 seconds
Exp: 140
Killed: Sava Knyaz (scav)
Killed By: Wi_Tu_Lo69  with many many rounds of M856A1. Congratulations Wi_Tu_Lo69 !!
Ammo Used: 30, Hits: 5, Accuracy: 0.13.  Damage to Body: 378


  • Using the Ash-12
  • Wearing the Ghzel - maybe I shouldn't wear good armor if I'm taking out a weapon I don't have faith in.  
  • Careless with hard cover. Had I done that better, I might have been able to fire on my target without exposing myself to his friend.


  • I think I landed some shots on the sniper.  Maybe messed him up a bit.
  • I wanted combat. I found it.


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