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Bored and Dead - Raids 125 and 126

Wipe is imminent. These might be my last raids of this wipe. I had three weapons set aside and three armored vests set aside so I could raid as much as possible, but only had time for two raids. 

Raid 125 - Shoreline Off Season

Loadout: Trooper Class 4 armor and an SVD, ears, meds, grenades, 3 markers, new love letter map (this one says "I love you too" on the map marker).

I have always liked Shoreline as a map, but I've run it very little, I have only had one quest there.  I just got the "mark 3 ambulances on Shoreline" quest, so why not?   I'd really like to fight some raiders in places where I wouldn't normally encounter them. The goal today is to kill some things and mark some busses. 

But the reality was quite different. I checked the little military river crossing,  the resort grounds and plaza, the bus depot, the power station, the gas station, but there was no one.  There was fighting inside the resort, but the SVD is not a CQB weapon and that seemed ill-advised. I scoped some of the windows hoping to see someone, but no luck.  There were bodies at the power station, but whatever action was there was long past.  Ultimately, I marked the ambulances and did not see a single living soul. 

Time In Raid: 28 minutes, 36 seconds
Exp: 496


  • everyone is looking for PvP, I should do the same


  • survived and completed quest
  • remembered to eat and drink before next raid

Raid 126 - Death Deserved

Destination: Customs

The lobby in Customs was overflowing with players, I imagine that every spawn position is going to be filled. Need to be ready for immediate action.  I spawned into the little transition building in the liquid storage section corner.  Checked my weapon, turned on the laser, and headed out. I don't want to get squashed between spawns, so I went straight to the nearest map corner near ZB-1011.  I was expecting to encounter players, but it was quiet.

Made my way to the military checkpoint, very likely players that spawned in the hills above that might be coming down to the central road - need to stay sharp. But it was quiet. No scavs at the checkpoint, no sniper scavs.  Heavy fire at New Gas. I hustled up the hill, trying to third party. Approached New Gas from above - all quiet. Scanned it with my scope, no movement.  Carefully skirted gas, peeking it repeatedly - no sound, no movement.  Is Reshala up? Did he fend off his attackers?

I heard footsteps somewhere behind me, towards dorms.  I spun and took to the wall for cover. Peeked. Quiet. I pushed up, cover to cover where I thought I heard the movement originate, but no luck. I ran down to the bus terminal. No one.  Now what?  Should I head back to New Gas? I decided to check construction and RUAF. Outside construction I heard scav voices over the wall. Went around and entered construction, and traced the wall where I had heard the scav. No one. But there was a scav directly across construction from me, towards elbow. And here I made the mistake that I just always make, instead of finding cover, I just knelt and fired. As it is, I took him down fairly handily and he didn't get off a shot. But if he had been a raider or a player, that would have been a bad call.  I cut through a metal shipping container - there was another scav across construction near the first. And again I made that mistake - I just started firing as I stood in the open without cover. I had trouble landing my shots. The scav turned and blasted me with autofire - that was no scav, that was a PMC.  He didn't seek cover either, but he had a P-90 and he lasered it onto me quick.  Realizing my mistake, I turned for cover, but I was stam drained and dead before I could complete two steps.  Maybe I'll learn my lesson next wipe.

Time In Raid:13 minutes, 40 seconds
Exp: 220
Killed: Lenya Pouch
Killed By: morgerwath with dozens of rounds of 5.7x28mm SS190  .  Congratulations morgerwath
Ammo Used: 14.  Hits: 3   Accuracy: 0.21  Damage to Body: 187  Damage to Armor: 4


  • Must learn to fire from hard cover whenever possible. Always be using/seeking cover
  • Poor aim.  If I had aimed better, I might have been able to take the PMC. And, this is part due to that I haven't been practicing with the SVD lately.   
  • Use weapons that you practice with ( ie AK-104 )
  • Probably should have entered New Gas. 


  • Killed a Scav
  • More exciting than the previous raid.


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