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Update: Raids 99, 100, and 101- All the VPO-209s in Tarkov

I need to raise my reputation with both Skier and the Jaeger. Today went well. Three raids and three completed quests. 

Raid 99 - Kill 5 Scavs on Woods, Without Armor

Destination: Woods


  • need 3 more scav kills (while not wearing armor) to complete quest
  • extract alive
Loadout: VPO-209 with two 30 round magazines of TKM FMJ (the scav killing rounds), a grenade, meds. No armor. 

Spawned in near UN extract.  Oy. This one isn't near any of the prime scav destinations. Headed out towards Emercom camp.  At one point saw a player behind me, walking along the wall towards my spawn. I hit the deck and crawled into a bush. Scoped but couldn't see him anymore.  Continued.  I arrived at Emercom camp and it seemed quiet.  Was some other PMC here before me, lying in wait?  I did a circuit of the camp. No scavs, no bodies, nobody. Guess I'll head to sawmill. Just then I heard voices speaking in Russian. Scavs.  I continued the circuit, killed one then another.  Both kills were a bit awkward, but I came through without a scratch, so no complaints. As I finished another circuit I heard a scav talking on the other side of the camp and then he ran off - I heard his footsteps slapping down the driveway - he was headed to the water. I pursued. But I never got eyes on him. I went down to the water, but there was no sign of him. Did a quick loop then returned to the camp. As I re-entered a scav shouted at me from my left - I spun and started firing. We were too close to one another, he was firing, I was firing. I turned on my laser, backed up and headshotted him point blank.  Whew.  Amazingly, I was still unharmed.  Quest complete, baby!! (except for extracting? not sure).  

Since I'm here, I should grab some loot. I started picking up loot. Another scav came into the camp, and I put him down.  He had some PACA, which I now donned.  Grabbed all the loot I could carry and headed out.

Crossed the map and extracted without incident.

Time In Raid: 15 minutes, 49 seconds
Exp: 2032
Kills: Irzhan Mongol, Lenya Kremen, Toha Geny, and Ilya Modeler.  Godspeed gentlemen. Thanks for the help with this quest.

Ammo Used: 25  Hits: 19  Accuracy: 0.6   Damage to Body: 750  Damage to Armor: 438


  • forgot to turn on the aiming laser until late
  • didn't use cover for these engagements, but given how close they were and that they were each individual, that's probably ok.   Firing fast and frequently kept them from responding in kind.


  • survived
  • completed quest
  • hit a high percentage of my shots
  • got the Factory key off one of the scavs.  

Raid 100 - The Extortionist

Did you know that the factory exit key is also the key for the Customs shortcut?  I did not know this, but I just learned it. And, I just got that key last raid. Perfect timing. 

Destination: Customs
  • pick up package from shipping yard
  • survive and extract
Loadout:  exactly the same as before, except this time my VPO-209 has a 30 round magazine of .366 AP in case I encounter any PMCs. Also, some class 4 ceramic armor.

Spawned in behind the shipping building. Couldn't ask for a better spawn.  Made my way to shack, picked up the package (had difficulty getting the "Take" prompt to appear).  

Used the factory key to open the shortcut. Let myself in and closed the door behind me. Looted the weapons case (high value muzzle brakes). Let myself out onto the road and started the journey toward crossroads extract. 

As I crested the railroad bridge, I saw a PMC crossing the road near the bus depot. I kneeled, aimed and fired, but I was rushing. I got a couple of shots off, but I'm not sure if any of them landed. He ran.

I made my way off the bridge towards the vehicles. I started catching fire. Was it the PMC I took shots at?  Scrambled, peeked. Can't see where these shots are coming from - don't want to get pinned down. I scoped the close side of the bus depot - pretty sure the shots are not coming from that area.  So I scrambled and made it into the bus depot. There was a scav there - we traded fire. He messed me up, I fired on him, and he ran.  I started searching the busses for him.  Sniper fire began hitting the ground and the busses. Someone must be on the big skeleton.  The busses were clear - I got close to the wall, staying under the snipers view - but still no scav.  Darted behind the shack, sniper fire on my heels.  I quickly peeked the corner and there was the scav, cowering next to the garbage. Took him down.

I medded, did some surgery, and rested behind the shack. Quickly peeked but couldn't get eyes on the sniper. Here goes nothing. Ran into the open, crossed the main road, and hit the bushes against the wall to construction. But no fire came my way.  Guess he must be busy elsewhere.  

Worked my way along the wall to the intersection in front of the bridge. There was a scav there (good sign). But I bobbled the shot. He started firing on me. I hid behind a rock, waited, peeked the other side and took him down. I probably should have looted him - I've been finding good loot on scavs lately, when I remember to loot them at all. But his body was in the open, and I was nervous after my recent sniper escapade. I bypassed.

Made my way to crossroads and extracted. I probably should have stopped in by the Customs house to loot it (even though I didn't have the director'soffice key this time). But I was too focused on extracting with the package. 

Time In Raid: 13 minutes, 1 second.
Exp: 1275
Kills: Zheka Vdorec and Git Vafel
Ammo Used: 18  Hits: 5  Accuracy: 0.22  Damage to Body: 242


  • I completed with very little loot. Missed some obvious opportunities
  • Firing too eagerly on the PMC. Had that been handled better, I might have taken him down.
  • Forgot to range scope.  
  • Forgot to turn on aiming laser when performing combat


  • survived
  • completed Extortionist Quest

Raid 101 - Stirring Up Trouble On Interchange

My next quest from Skier is to kill three PMCs using just a pistol. Geezus. Just killing three PMCs would be enough, but with a pistol?  Ragman wants me to visit some stores in Interchange.  Let's try to complete both quests in one raid.

Destination: Interchange


  • kill three PMCs using a pistol
  • visit some five different stores in the mall.
  • survive and extract
  • complete both the Stirrup and Big Sale quests.
Progress: I completed two of the goals and one of the quests.

Loadout: "well loved" Class 4 armor, an SR1MP pistol with 3 magazines (each with 6 rounds of SP13 followed by 12 rounds of SP10), flashlight, meds.  CMS kit and AFAK in alpha container. Plus one free slot for anything special loot.

My plan is to go into the mall through IDEA and work my way to the shops. I'm not sure exactly how to go about killing PMCs with this pistol, but maybe I'll figure that out.  Of course, I spawned on the far side of the mall, south of Oli.  Now what? Stick with the plan? Or adapt?

I'm sticking to the plan. I started working my around the mall. Maybe I'll get lucky and there will be a frozen player I can shoot with this thing.  Made my way past Emercom camp. Encountered a scav somewhere behind Goshan. Had trouble landing shots with the pistol. He messed up my arm.  I medded. His body is somewhat exposed, but looking around things seem quiet. I laid down and started looting. He had red gunpowder. Score!  Shots started coming my way. Fuck. Cancel! Cancel! I ran.  I think some other scav guards were firing on me. But not sure where exactly.  

I went through the underground a bit, then climbed up the ramp and entered the back of IDEA. Made my way around. Near the front of IDEA some scavs started fighting with someone (PMC? Evil Player Scav?)  I started on my route. I visited four of the five stores. Didn't encounter a soul. While approaching the fifth and last store,  a scav yelled. We traded fire. I was firing, but missing shots again. I ducked behind cover. I leaned out, aimed at his head, took too quick of a shot, and leaned back. Peeked again - but there was no sign of him. Turned on the flashlight.   Where did he go?  It was quiet - I scampered towards the store entrance - there was his body. Wow, I got him! Go figure.

Made my way out of the mall  - what a hellhole - and extracted. Did not see a single PMC the whole time. 

Time In Raid: 24 minutes, 54 seconds
Exp: 1680
Killed: Terantiy Guzio and Slava Restorator  (headshot, 39.3 meters)   Godspeed gentlemen. 
Ammo Used: 10  Hits: 7  Accuracy: 0.5  Damage to Body: 231  Damage to Armor: 104


  • trying to do the stirrup quest on interchange.  I guess this means a return to Factory.
  • being too timid in approaching the mall where the PMCs will actually be.  (near Kiba, Techlight)


  • completed quest
  • got a lot of loot
  • the post-mortem says I hit 7 out of 10 shots. That's better than I thought I was doing. Though, seven shots to down two scavs is five shots too many.


Three survivals, three successful quests. Feeling pretty good. At some point I graduated to Level 16 too. Nice. 

As an added bonus, the reward for completing the Jaeger quest is two VPO-209s, and I got another from Skier for completing his.  That's three VPO-209s.  How awesome is that?


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