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Update: Raids 96, 97 and 98. Into the Woods

I need to kill 5 scavs on Woods without armor.  Assuming I can find scavs, this should be fairly straightforward.  I would be overjoyed if I could do it in one raid, and quite satisfied if it takes two.  I'm not going to try this at night anymore - it might be easier, but likely boring. 

Destination: Woods (daytime)


  • kill 5 scavs without wearing armor
  • do this with as few raids as possible
  • I am not achieving either goal

Raid 96 - Premature Extractulation

Loadout VSS with PSO scope and canted sight. Two 20 rounds magazines of SPP, two of SP-5. One grenade. Meds. Food and drink in backpack along with 3001 rubles for extract.  AFAK, CMS and extra ammo in alpha container. No armor.

The VSS was a good weapon for customs, not so sure about Woods, but it's ready, so I'll use it.  Spawned near RUAF roadblock.  I want to prioritize areas that will most likely have scavs: the sawmill and scav bunker. But Emercom camp is pretty good and it's closest. I hustled over to the Emercom camp and let myself in.  I've forgotten how much loot is in this area.  I circumnavigated it, looking and listening for scavs. Picked up a ton of loose loot just lying around.  No scavs. Damnit.  I was about to leave when running footsteps approached and someone ran in the main entrance and crossed the camp, heading for the vehicles.  Player? Scav? I followed, hustled, turned the corner and took down the interloper before they could return fire.  No sign of anyone else - looted the body - it was a scav. Great.  That's one.

Headed to sawmill.  I normally avoid the sawmill as a player, what with the boss, his minions, and the focus of nearly every PMC on the map, but if anyplace will have scavs, it's here. I need to at least make the attempt. I entered the sawmill area near the little shack at the southwest corner.  There was some sort of battle taking place on the plain above the northeast corner of the sawmill.  I saw a player climb out of the sawmill bowl headed for that battle. I took a shot at him, but my weapon was still on autofire. I blessed the sky god with 20K rubles of ammunition. Fortunately the PMC didn't even notice (love the suppression on the VSS) and continued on his merry way.

While everyone is distracted I went down into the sawmill area proper. No scavs. No bodies. What?  I went over to the little trailer campers on the northwest - nobody. I looted a couple of them.  Then I went back down into the sawmill, hunted round. Nadie.  No sense in standing around ground zero. I headed west and out.  

Where to next? Should I beeline to Scav Bunker?  Scope shack is nearest, how about swing by there?  I was forgetting the marked circle and USEC checkpoint. Probably those would have been better and taken me less out of the way.  Nothing at scope shack. Looted it.  Started heading west. As I approached the open area I saw scav(s) down near the scav house.  Awesome!

I headed south and came up next to one of the big rocks at the perimeter of the open area.  There was a scav due west of me crossing towards me. I kneeled and started firing. Forgot to range the PSO. I was hitting him, but not the headshot I wanted. He started veering crazily and backed away - that's not a scav that's a player, maybe a PMC or player scav. Shit. I'm not well covered.  I backed into the lee of the rock and then began to push away. Started catching fire from the player. Double timed it east toward the water and broke the line of sight. I decided a big flank was the best move. So I made a wide circle. As I re-approached the road on the southern edge I caught sight of the player over by scav house. He dipped from view, I ran and took cover behind a tree, leaned out and started scoping his last position. There he was, I could just make out his backpack.  Wait for it... what's that? The green extract timer was counting down.  Shit! I'm in Outskirts. I stood up and started walking out - but the timer didn't stop. How big is this extract zone? I never found out.

Time In Raid: 18 minutes, 53 seconds
Exp: 1216
Killed: Sasha Butirat.  Godspeed Sasha. But if you'd arrived to work on time you wouldn't have had to run and arrive breathless. Please try to be punctual and show up when the raid starts.
Ammo Used: 32  Hits: 6  Accuracy: 0.16


  • not knowing the outskirts of outskirts
  • not managing fire vs autofire on weapon. noob mistake


  • killed a scav
  • unintentionally survived
  • ventured into sawmill

Raid 97 - It's Always Buckshot

Loadout: same as before.  VSS, no armor.

Spawned by river, south of village.  Good spawn. I can hit village and abandoned village on my way to scav bunker.   I made my way up towards the bridge with the car extract. As I neared the dressing screens next to the water I caught sight of a player heading south out of the village - and he caught sight of me.  We traded fire. I stepped to the shelter of the dressing screens, he disappeared into the deep grass of the garden.  I'll lose if I play the peeking game. I ran up to the road and crossed it and set-up on him. If he wants to follow he'll be the one exposed. But apparently he didn't. Probably heading towards sniper rock. 
I started circumnavigating the village. Cover to cover, concealment to concealment. Listening for scavs.  Nothing.  Just as I was about to give up and head to the next spot I heard footsteps on the road, back near the bus stop. I peeked but couldn't see anything. Have to be careful at this end of the village - there are often snipers on the rise above the southern side.  Instead of walking down the road I went around the houses. I heard the footsteps again, and saw the scav on the road. I swung in, leaned, aimed down sight, peered the corner and took him down with a headshot. Easy peasy.   The scavs here usually spawn in twos right? I crossed the road and began searching and listening again. As I approached the southern end of the village I started catching sniper fire, just like I had feared earlier.  Scrambled for safety. I snuck into a house and from it's relative safety scoped the ridge above from the windows, but I couldn't see any sign of the sniper.  Oh well. I did one last circuit and then headed out.

I made my way to the abandoned village. I was wading through the tall tall grass that borders the river. "Supposedly the scavs can't magically see through the bushes anymore, but can they magically see through this grass?" I wondered. Ask and ye shall receive. A scav somewhere else in the tall tall grass yelled a greeting to me and then shot me with a shotgun. Fuck.  I staggered over to a boat on stilts for cover. I tried firing, but it was pointless. Where is he? I can't see a damn thing.  Will this stupid boat even provide decent cover? I need to displace. A second shot rang out answering all my questions.

Time In Raid: 13 minutes, 11 seconds
Exp: 220
Killed: Vovan Svirepyy (scav).  Godspeed Vovan. 
Ammo Used: 11  Hits: 4   Accuracy: 0.27   Damage to Body: 212
Killed By: Rustam Pyshnyy (scav) with buckshot


  • don't get caught in the tall tall grass. 
  • perhaps grenade? That could have forced him to displace and given me the breathing room I needed.
  • didn't land shots on first player I encountered.  
  • did not survive


  • killed another scav.  Only 3 more to go.
  • was smart with my movement in and around the village. 
  • nice takedown of Vovan.

Raid 98 - My Wish for Scavs is Granted

The previous raid upset me. Dying to a shotgun scav I can't even see is just too on point. I was nearly killed the same way just a few raids ago. So I quickly went to the flea market to get a VPO-209 ... and what the fuck is going on? The VPO-209 usually lists between 8K and 12K rubles on the flea market, but today it's nearly 30K.  Honestly, I should have just grabbed my AK-104 or my Vityaz, but I do so love the VPO-209. So I bought it, put the butt-pad and silencer on it, switched to the AK-100 series foregrip and put a laser and a foregrip on it. Threw a bastion cover and a Monstrum 2x scope that I already had on it, and I'm ready to go.

I only need to kill three scavs to finish this quest.  I hope I don't have to chase them all over the damn map. 

Loadout: VPO-209 with two 30 round magazines of .366 TKM FMJ. One grenade. Meds. No armor.

Spawned just south east of abandoned village, probably not more than 70 meters from where I last died. Fine. Made my way into village - avoiding the tall tall grass.  There are player spawns across the pond - have to be careful.  Working my way cover to cover, concealment to concealment I made my way through the village. No sign of anyone. I was on a lawn exactly midway between two buildings when I heard footsteps to my left. Spun and there were three scavs across the road from me, probably less than 30 meters, heading straight at me. They must have just spawned in.

And this is where I made, once again, the fundamental mistake when fighting scavs. Never fight scavs without hard cover and a quick way to break their sight lines. I should have run across the lawn to either building.  Maybe I could have thrown a grenade, which would force them to displace.  But what I should not have done is what I tried: I crouched and aimed down sight. I put three shots into the nearest scavs head, but he didn't go down. What? I switched down to his body and put three more there. And still he didn't fall. What is going on? Does he have armor? TKM FMJ dishes out a whopping 98 points of damage per shot. In the past I've often been able to one-tap scavs to the chest with it.  I chose it specifically for this purpose, if I were after PMCs I'd use the .366 AP rounds.   Maybe I was hitting his arms?

Well, regardless, my turn was over. It was nice of them to let me take six shots before they fired on me. Thanks guys.  Good game!

Time In Raid: 1 minute, 45 seconds
Exp: 11  
Ammo Used: 6  Hits: 3  Accuracy: 0.5   Damage to Body: 259.  
Killed By: Pafnutiy Taburet (and friends) with pretty much every round on the ammo chart.


  • should have sought hard cover immediately
  • barring that, should have maybe used grenade
  • what the hell is with the aiming? May need to double check this offline.
  • spent too much money on a VPO-209.  
  • forgot to turn on aiming laser.
  • forgot to bring food and drink
  • forgot to bring money for extract
  • forgot how to fight scavs
  • forgot to survive


  • at least the raid was short. I had a real-world constraint and this short-format raid fit my schedule rather neatly


I was watching an old video from a Tarkov streamer and in that video he achieved level 10 on his 15th raid.  I went through my blog posts. In comparison I achieved level 10 on my 62nd raid.  That's a 4x difference. He's four times as good as me. Bleah - I shouldn't compare myself with others.

However, one thing I've noticed about my old posts versus the new ones is that while it seems like I keep dying in much the same ways, my aiming accuracy has definitely improved and I'm a lot better at handling scavs ... ok, I'm sometimes better at handling scavs. I've killed three scavs on Woods (and two for this quest) and all of them were quick smooth kills, without any return fire even.  

Post PostScript

In between these raids I also ran a scav raid on Reserve. Was killed by my stunning lack of map knowledge and a fellow player scav. Thanks friend.


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