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Update: Raid 95 - stashing snacks for the Jaeger

Destination: Woods


  • deposit food and water at east and west bunkers
  • kill scavs while not wearing armor (because quest)

Raid 95

Loadout: Class 4 ceramic armor, VSS with PSO scope and canted sight. Two 20 round mags of VPP and two of SP-5.  Grenade, food and water for Jaeger, meds. CMS kit, AFAK and extra SPP ammo in my container. NVG gear.

I decided to run this at night, because I've never done Woods at night.  One of the problems I encountered when trying to kill scavs on Woods for Prapor was that other players would kill the scavs, and I would just waste time looking for them. Maybe if I go at night I won't have to share?  We'll see.

Spawned into woods. Took me a moment to get my bearings, but after a bit of looking around realized I was south of the old train station. Made my way to the train station, was in a bush below the west side of the station when I heard running footsteps approaching the train station from the north. Is that a player? I know there's a spawn just north of the station. I crept closer to the station, and then gave up being silent. I came around the wall to the north side. He's right here, just a meter or two away! I point shot him, dumping a whole magazine of SPP into him. Poor guy didn't get a chance to react.

Unfortunately for me, it was a scav, not a player.  And I hadn't put my armor in my backpack. Damn. Oh well, maybe that's a good sign - that I shouldn't have any trouble encountering scavs.

If I'm reading the map right, then ZB-016 should be at a bearing of 320 degrees from my location. I pulled out my compass, oriented myself, and headed out. Worked like a charm. Deposited the food and drink for Jaeger.

I crossed the map, avoiding the sawmill. I saw one other scav on the roadway, but he was too far away and bearing away from me. Cool. Made my way to the scav house, hoping to pick off scavs.  But there were none. I took off my armor, and approached the house and scoured the area around it. Nobody. I stashed the food and drink in ZB-014.  Then headed back towards the road and the scav house. Still no scavs. Damn.  How about scope shack? I'll go there and look for scavs, and then maybe USEC checkpoint, and then the sawmill.  But about halfway there my vision began to darken - my energy level was zeroed and my hydration was nearly zero.  I forgot to bring food and drink for myself.  I am not going to die this way again. I turned around, healing myself as I walked, and extracted at Outskirts.

Time In Raid: 37 minutes, 42 seconds
Exp: 972
Killed: Donalty Viking (scav).  Godspeed Donalty.
Ammo Used: 21  Hit: 8  Accuracy: 0.33   Damage To Body: 384


  • wearing armor - maybe I should just not wear any at all while on this quest, instead of trying to dress and undress?
  • forgot food and drink. 
  • forgot money for extract
  • making EFT boring


  • finished the quest
  • survived, despite not bringing food


After killing the scav at the old train station, and seeing the other on the road I was sure there would be plenty of scavs for me to kill. I was disappointed not to find any more.  The most reliable places to find scavs is the sawmill and the scav bunker, followed by the village and the Emercom Camp, with the sunken village, scav house, roadway, usec checkpoint and scope shack being the least reliable. Next raids I'll prioritize those.

Post PostScript

I had some extra time after this raid for a scav run. I wanted to go to Reserve, since I'm trying to learn that map.  Spent 10 minutes waiting before cancelling. Tried again, but cancelled after another 5 minutes.  What's up with that?   


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