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Update: Raid 94 - made Level 15

After yesterday's setback I decided to just give up on finding the white armor and craft it.  I have a ton of building supplies, and was holding onto them to be able to build a shooting range. But now, instead, I am using them to build the water collector and the advanced lavatory.

Today I almost went to Shoreline, I like that level. However, I felt like I needed to get back on the horse that threw me. So today's destination is, once again, Customs.

Destination: Customs


  • kill scavs
  • have fun
  • seek trouble
  • find Gas Analyzer for Therapist
  • find croutons for Jaeger
  • find 60 round AK mags for Prapor
  • survive

Raid 94

Loadout: Class 4 Ceramic armor, VSS with PSO scope and canted sight, two 20-round mags of SPP, two mags of SP-5, meds, one grenade, energy drink. Have extra SPP and CMS kit in alpha container, along with Director's Office key.

Spawned at far corner trailer park, somewhen after 3:30 am. Made my way to the customs house yard. Looted the two cabins and the director's office. Between those I had more loot than I could carry. I was putting loot into file cabinet drawers in order to make space for better loot. Cool.

Crossed river over low ground and approached RUAF checkpoint. There are usually scavs here, but it was quiet. Tarkov time is so accelerated - the sun was already rising.  I moved back towards the main bridge span, peeked construction around little skeleton. No sign of anyone. But there was a scav at the bridge intersection. It took me a few shots since I didn't have the scope ranged correctly, but I got him. He scratched me, but nothing serious.  I dropped the night vision gear into a bush - it's a liability now and I don't need to have it sit above my head like bunny ears.  

Should I search the scav? I don't need his white armor, and he's exposed in the road. But I had to know if he had the white armor, so I did.  He did not have the white armor. But he did have the Emelya brand croutons!!  Score!!

Crossed road and moved on. As I approached the bus depot I switched to autofire - there are often scavs lurking in the bushes behind it and that's my route.  Just as I finished passing the bus depot a scav shouted on my right and laid into me with a shotgun.  My stamina was zeroed - I could barely move. I popped a pain, he got off another shot. I couldn't see him - where the hell is he? Oh god, please think of the croutons!  Using his voice and weapon discharges as a guide I dumped my magazine in his general direction. I may have clipped him. I threw a grenade and got away. He shouted "граната" and withdrew.  I was badly messed up, both arms fractured and blacked, head and torso hurt. I only had one splint. I was able to do surgery on one arm, but didn't have enough meds to heal the other, so I left it. Drank my energy drink.  

My vision is blurring with the fractured arm.  Don't have many pain meds - need to plan this out. Popped a pain and headed out, bearing to go up towards power tower, avoiding New Gas.  There's a stash here, but I'm on the pain med clock - skip it.  Went up the hill.  Started catching fire from the scavs at New Gas. That seems unusually aggressive - is Reshala up?   I didn't stop and loot on power tower hill, I went on by. My vision blurred again as I descended the far side.  As I approached military checkpoint I took another pain pill. Scoped the checkpoint - couldn't see anyone. Started going around it. Just as I was reaching the main road, having made a wide circle around military checkpoint, a howitzer gun started firing.  I think that's the Lapua, where is that coming from?  It seemed like it might be in the industrial section, or maybe down towards new gas. There was a scav at military checkpoint I hadn't seen and he seemed to be exchanging fire with whoever had the Lapua. The scav was on the far side of the checkpoint - I didn't have eyes on him, and I couldn't make out whoever was firing. Should I go for Mr. Lapua?  I don't see him, I'm not exactly sure where he is, and I'm finally near extract. I decided instead to safely see these croutons back to the Jaeger. 

Time In Raid: 29 minutes, 9 seconds
Exp: 1665  (more than I expected)
Killed: Fetch Kozhemyaka (scav) headshot at 56m
Ammo Used: 21  Hits: 8  Accuracy: 0.24   Damage to Body: 377  Damage to Armor: 21


  • really messed up the combat with that second scav. I probably should have retreated back to edge of bus depot - that could provide hard cover. But maybe not, since it's dangerous to turn your back on scavs. 
  • after using meds and drink I had extra space again, probably I should have looted the containers on top of power tower. 


  • Survived
  • Got croutons
  • Used pain medication well
  • Made Level 15. 


Making level 15 has opened up some new quests, levelled up some traders, and Jaeger has more quests for me now that I've finally brought him his preferred snacks. And when the white armor is crafted, then presumably Skier will have some quests too. Interesting times ahead. If possible, I think I'm going to take a break from Customs for awhile. 


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