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Update: Raid 93 - I am the worst

I'm still disappointed with the last few raids - they were successful in that I survived and achieved quest goals, but quiet. Loot and action are the main goals today.  

Destination: Customs


  • kill scavs and find white armor
  • find gas analyzer.
  • find intel, and various other things
  • try to relax and have fun. 
  • look for trouble

Raid 93

Loadout: Class 5 Ghzel armor, SVDS with 2x Monstrum scope. Three mags of SNB. Armasight NVG gear, one grenade, energy drink and meds.  Customs office key, CMS kit and extra ammo in alpha container. 

Spawned in at the far corner, trailer park.  I seem to get this spawn a lot.  I had wanted a night raid. It was 4 am in Tarkov when I first joined the raid, but the waiting screens took forever.  Sure enough, the sky is already lightening for the dawn.  I looted a small shack at the edge of the customs yard and put away my NVG. Should I hide it in a bush? I decided to keep the NVG until after I looted the director's office.

Went up to the director's office, closed the door behind me after unlocking it.  Went into the first office and looked for intel (none) and started looting. There were shots fired nearby, somewhere down in the customs yard would be my guess. I stood up and carefully looked out the window, but couldn't see anything. Went to the computer and started to loot it.

There were footsteps on metal.  Is someone coming up the stairs? Footsteps at the door. Shit! Cancel!  I went to the doorframe of the little office and tried to set up on the locked door. The SVDS is a big gun, and it took a moment to get it aimed into the hallway.  Should I aim down sight?  I felt like I should, but would the player hear me? Also, two meters is probably too close for this 2x scope, that might be awkward. So I decided to point shoot, but didn't have time to think about adjusting my flashlight/laser. The door was being unlocked.

The door opened and I fired  - I bet someone just wet their pants - but my fire was wild and too low. I got off several shots, but the player stepped out of the door frame.  I heard him gasping and shuffling down the outside walkway.  I think he had NVGs on. I turned on my flashlight, ready to blind him if he peeked again. But, honestly, I was scared and frozen. I stayed in place waiting for him to make his next move, handing the initiative to him.  I was hoping to hear him med, and then maybe I could rush him. But I should have pushed regardless.

I was focused on the door, waiting for him to re-peek. But TreeTalkToEm simply walked to the little window and killed me through it. The window!! I had completely forgotten it.  Good kill TreeTalkToEm!  

Time In Raid: 6 minutes, 48 seconds
Exp: 76
Killed By: TreeTalkToEm with two rounds of 7.62x51mm BPZ FMJ (interesting ammo choice)
Ammo Used: 5   Hits: 1   Accuracy: 0.2    Damage To Body: 78


  • not setting up better - maybe should have aimed down sight. If not, certainly should have had flashlight/laser on as he opened the door.
  • very bad aiming - lack of laser/ADS contributed - but ultimately aim was low, not aiming at head.
  • surrendered initiative - which is the same as surrendering. I'm not sure if I can fire through that wall, but at minimum I should have tried - and I certainly should have moved.  Staying crouched in the doorframe was a death sentence no matter what.
  • unaware of surroundings - that window should not have been a surprise. I've looked out it in the past.  Too focused on one point.


  • made another player pee himself


I suck at this game. Maybe something like Animal Crossing would be a better fit? 

Post PostScript

The time between hearing the footsteps on metal and the door being unlocked was very abbreviated. This confused me at the time, because it's two flights of stairs - I wasn't expecting the "key-in-the-door" sound so quickly.  I think it's the vertical audio issue. When I heard him on the stairs he was close.  Good to remember for the future. 

Post Post PostScript

I forgot to select the healing option at the end of the raid so I had to heal myself from my own store of meds.  I got more experience healing than I did from the raid.  Is this a new strategy for me? Can I make dying work for me? ... ummm, maybe I'd best download Animal Crossing.


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