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Update: Raid 103 - Interchange Ghost Town

I need to kill 3 PMCs with a pistol. And I have several Interchange quests, so I'll try to get the pistol kills while undertaking them.  Not sure if this strategy will work. Presently stand at Raids: 2, PMC Kills: 0.  

My plan is two-fold. If I get a "close in" spawn, I'm going to run into the mall and set up for a kill on other PMCs who will enter the mall. If I get a "far away" spawn, I'm going to focus on my Interchange quests and see what opportunities arise.

Raid 103.

Loadout: Shiny new M2 class 4 armored rig.  SR1MP pistol with silencer, with an extra 18 round magazine. Each loaded with SP10 and SP13. Meds. Ears. A marker for a tanker truck. No grenade.

I spawned at the freeway clover leaf, near IDEA. This is closer to this end of the mall than many of the spawns on this end, so I'm rushing.  Rushed into the mall. Killed a scav in the underground area, inelegantly.  Went to my chosen camping location and waited.  Players should be showing up any minute now.

Down at the other end of the mall I heard the RPK of Killa cutting loose. Sounds like he is having a good time.  It quieted down.  I waited.  And waited. And waited some more.  Apparently I am so bad at this game that I can't even camp right. 

So I headed out. I got a quest item from the IDEA offices, killed another scav with a clean headshot. The mall was deathly quiet.  As I worked my way through the mall I changed to the upper floor, I'm rather sure Killa is still up and he's not on my shopping list.  I hit Techlight - it had not been looted at all. Except for a Graphics Card (!!) it was just garbage loot (DVD drives, wires, capacitors). Not that I was picky - I took everything.

The Graphics Card changes my calculus. I'm not positive what it's worth, but I know it's a lot. Time to bounce.

Snuck out and extracted.  Sold the GPU for 700K rubles, bringing my total to 3 million. Wait - should I have built a bitcoin farm? I don't know what is entailed for that - probably a bunch of hideout improvements I don't have yet. 

Time In Raid: 31 minutes, 35 seconds.

Exp: 1479

Kills: Vityan Belyy and Vorchik Naushnik.  Godspeed gentlemen.

Ammo Used: 13  Hit: 6  Accuracy: 0.38  Damage to Body: 209  Damage to Armor: 40


  • apparently I am bad at camping
  • did not bring backpack - I wanted to be nimble and focus on PMCs and have the hole in the fence option readily available. That was dumb. Should have brought one.
  • did not kill a single PMC. (or even see one)
  • bitcoin farm? Need to research this.


  • got a Graphics Card!! (my first this wipe)
  • was not killed by Killa.
  • survived


So now for Stirrup I've done three raids on Interchange (raids 101, 102 and 103). I have survived two of them.  I have killed zero PMCs with a pistol (or anything else).  And in those those three raids I have only once seen a potential PMC (the guy who was heading to Hole in the Fence, who I let go). Where is everyone? I need to decide on a strategy for my next attempt. I think I'll just try to focus on marking vehicles, killing scavs and picking up manifests. If I encounter anyone else, I'll make an attempt on their life, or if I hear combat nearby I'll try to third-party it. Otherwise, I'll try this quest elsewhere, like Factory or Customs maybe.


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