I have several Ragman quests that all take place on Interchange:
visit 5 shops (done)- kill 25 scavs
- mark 4 tankers
- find 3 manifests
And one Skier quest that can be done anywhere:
- kill 3 PMCs with a pistol
So I'm going to focus on the Skier quest, but try to perform it at Interchange. We'll see how that goes.
Interchange is my go to scav map for making money, but I never go there as a PMC. As a scav, it's rare for me to enter a raid with more than 15 minutes on the clock - so my loot runs are pretty safe and quick and while not making me rich, I have them to thank for my 2 million rubles which makes me more secure in taking risks and wasting money.
But I don't know Interchange in the way a PMC should. I know the basics of the spawns and the pathing intellectually, but not from experience. So my current thinking is to arm myself with a pistol to force myself to use it as my main weapon. And given the limits of that, my best strategy is to catch players unawares and shoot them in the back ... you know, like a coward.
So I picked out some spots offline. My plan is to run to those spots, set up and then kill a trio of geared players as they prepare to take on Killa. Should be simple, no?
Raid 102 - Camp Nobody
Loadout: "last legs" Class 4 ceramic armor, an SR1MP pistol with a silencer and three 18 round magazines, each top loaded with 6 rounds of SP13 and 12 rounds of SP10. Ears, meds, one grenade. CMS Kit and AFAK in my alpha container.
I spawned in the lowest left corner, Oli the closest store (and it's not close). Oy. I ran and ran. Didn't see anyone. Into the garages and then to my chosen spot. When I arrived I heard fighting upstairs in the mall. Am I too late? Well, maybe some folks will stop for some caches outside. I'll just wait.
So I waited. And waited. And waited. After about six minutes I realized no one was coming. The mall above had gotten super quiet. So I got up and set off, hunting for players and scavs.
I crossed the entirety of the mall, lightly looting, and didn't encounter a soul until I got near IDEA, where I heard some scavs downstairs at the garage entrances. I went down and killed them without getting scratched, heard another in the garage - killed him. It's getting late, guess I'll head to the railway extract. Fortunately I checked my extracts list, because to my surprise, railway was not on that list. Instead I had to go to Emercom Camp - that's back near where I started.
I'm not that familiar with the garages, might as well use the opportunity to learn them, plus maybe I'll encounter more scavs or, even better, a PMC. So I made my way out, somehow got turned around after fighting a player scav (who ran away). Ultimately I ended up outside behind the mall, working my way towards Emercom. A PMC, or maybe a Player Scav was crossing the road in front of me. I kneeled with a bit of cover, aimed down sight and fired. Seemed like a good shot, but apparently not. I started firing repeatedly - he started zig zagging but did not return fire - he pressed on. I realized that he's heading for Hole in the Fence. I've never used that extract before. Am I going to stoop to extract camping? I ceased fire, he went on his way, extracted. Should I do the same? I don't have any great loot. I can just drop my backback and extract too. But instead I resumed. Let's see this through.
A few steps later I ran into a scav hiding in a bush. I put a half dozen rounds into him, both point shooting and aiming down sight. Nothing. He fired, hurting both my arms, and I squeezed the trigger one last time and he fell over (headshot). What was that? Did he just spawn in? Do recently spawned AI scavs have protection timers? Is that why he wouldn't die? There wasn't much time left on the clock. I medded, ate some crackers and croutons and continued. There were AI scavs above me on the Oli ramp. I ran across the road, zig-zagging. They fired rifle fire, but landed no shots. As I ran I noticed that the grass between me and Emercom was littered with bodies. That can't be good.
Blam! A shotgun blast tore into me. I wheeled a tight turn, avoiding a second blast and went prone behind a rock. Footsteps ran up. I aimed down sight and leaned out from behind the rock. Some scav with an Ushanka and a shotgun fired on me immediately. But he was too quick, his shot missed. I lined my iron sights up with his face - dead on, and pulled the trigger. Click! No ammo. Fuck, I forgot to reload after my last encounters. This is not how I want to die. But you can't always get what you want.
Time In Raid: 41 minutes, 48 seconds
Exp: 1667
Killed By: Stepan Mochalka (player scav) with a lot of buckshot.
Kills: Eduard Ognestrel, Dzhek Tridemaks, Arseniy Semyora, Fetch Tridemaks . All Scavs. Three headshots. Godspeed gentlemen.
Ammo Used: 40 Hits: 24 Accuracy: 0.38 Headshots: 3 Damage to Body: 939
- not being more courageous in hunting down players. I shouldn't have waited as long as I did before heading out.
- need a better plan for when I get a far away spawn.
- not reloading and being more magazine aware
- forgot to turn on aiming laser before combat
- didn't bring marker for tankers. Should carry one at least on every raid.
- getting the hang of this pistol. 3 headshots.
- used hard cover better in all the fights
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