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Update: Raids 70-72. Factory Crawl

Destination: Factory


  • improve my PvP
  • farm scavs for exp
  • get better sense of map in a real raid, to prepare for Delivery from the Past second part
  • survive would be great, but not a goal.
I like Factory.  I normally play very slowly, methodically, constantly hiding and scurrying, avoiding PMCs, but Factory forces a very different play-style.  Before each raid I write things like this on a piece of paper as reminders, to help push me to action:
  • relax
  • have fun
  • die
  • use cover
  • reload (after every encounter)
  • move
Loadout: for all these raids, my loadout is typically some class 3 armor (Zhuk Press), an SMG ( MP5, Kedr), meds, backpack and rig. I often forget to bring a grenade (which I would then forget to use).

Raid 70

After spawning, made my way into tunnels, hoping to find scavs.  Found one and killed him.  Shortly after, was in the low area around those three round silos that sit recessed in the ground. Another PMC was there, we played cat and mouse around the silos.  I rather ingeniously was able to use silence, back-pedaling and flanking to maneuver out of trouble. The other PMC pounced, but I wasn't there.  Now it would be my turn to pounce, but he knew he was in trouble and quickly scrambled up and started parkouring to the high ground. Now our 2D game became a 3D one and I knew I was being outplayed. Instead of pouncing I withdrew, and not a moment too soon. He started firing on me, but missed. I took cover and set-up on him if he pursued, with an escape route planned if he tried something fancy.  But he moved on, towards the stairwells.

He had better hunting there, I heard weapon fire, but his was always the last one.  I came across a different PMC who was aiming up at something in the ceiling, firing. While he attention was elsewhere, I shot him.  I desperately wanted his dog-tag but figured it wasn't clear.  Circled around. There were three different PMC bodies outside the stairwell in the middle area.  One of them was the one I dropped, and the other bodies must have been from the player I encountered earlier. I took fire anytime I got near that area - he was overwatching from somewhere high, but I couldn't figure out where. OK, three PMC bodies, him and me. That's everyone accounted for. And I have been over this whole map, and the only scav I've seen is the one I killed earlier.  Hmm.

I had one last trick - this guy has probably not looted any of these bodies, and he'll want to.  So I ran over to the bodies, drew fire, and then ran a beeline for Gate 3. I opened the door, went through it, opened the next one and went through that. But I didn't extract.  I quieted down, and snuck back out very quietly and carefully until I was fairly obscured from the above areas, but had eyes on the bodies. And then I waited.  But he didn't come down.  I waited some more. But now I was getting nervous about player scavs - they could start showing up, and I'd be an easy target to anyone else.  So I gave up and extracted.  I couldn't believe the timer when it said the raid was only six minutes long. How is that possible? It felt like thirty.

Time In Raid: 6 minutes 26 seconds
Exp: 2145   
Killed: Kolya Barash (scav) and USEC ??? (Level 0-10)
Ammo Used: 29  Hits: 5  Damage to Body: 127  Damage to Armor: 89   Accuracy: 0.17


  • maybe should have been more patient camping the bodies


  • killed a PMC and a Scav
  • made Level 12
  • had fun

Raid 71

Spawned in the worst spawn - the one back behind the forklifts with another spawn directly ahead and one to the left.   I switched to autofire and rushed the spawn on the left.  But I didn't use cover. The other player was hiding behind a piece of machinery while I charged.  We know how this ends.

Time In Raid: 20 seconds
Exp: 0

Congratulations to SirSweatsAlot for the kill.


  • charging into the teeth of autofire without cover


  • charging into the teeth of autofire without cover

Raid 72

Spawned down near Gate 0. Heard a lot of commotion near the stairwells, made my way mostly through the tunnels, hoping to bag some scavs. No scavs bagged.

Approached the stairwells from the big room with Gate 3.  Heard a player stomping around above. Entered the stairwell and peeked up. Hmmm - this does not seem wise.  Exited and went to a shipping container, so I wouldn't be visible from above. Heard footsteps coming down. Aimed down sight, hoping to catch him.  But he didn't come all the way down, instead he stepped out onto the landing that goes to the case drop-off shack.  I spotted him, but too late. He spotted me and ducked back into the stairwell. Shit, he knows where I am.  Will he re-peek the door? I aimed.  He did repeek the door - he came out firing. He was partially covered by the doorframe, I was utterly exposed.  We traded fire, but Miami-Vice got the better of me.  Congratulations Miami-Vice.

Time In Raid: 3 minutes, 27 seconds
Exp: 0
Ammo Used: 21  Hits: 3   Damage to Body: 59  Damage to Armor: 90  Accuracy 0.14


  • the second he knew where I was, without cover, was the second I should have displaced. I wanted to, but didn't have a good idea of where to go.  Standing still is as good as dying in these situations. Need to move.


  • none worth mentioning


Where are all the Scavs?


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