I really need to improve my player-versus-player performance. I'm too poor for Labs, so Factory it is. Plus I need to finish the "Delivery from the Past" quest, and that'll take me to Factory. I don't even know where that damn docs case is supposed to be dropped off.
- Run 5 to 10 raids on Factory to improve PVP and prepare for Delivery from the Past
- Learn that death is not to be feared, but accepted.
- Pass on the wisdom of that lesson to others.
- slow
I must confess, gentle reader, that I forgot to take screenshots of the post-mortem screens after these two raids. I killed a couple scavs, one player ( tommy - level 14), and was twice killed by other players whose names I failed to capture (sorry guys!). I used SMGs and both raids were less than three minutes long.
In other news, a couple of my scav interchange runs, combined with the power of the flea market, have begun paying off. I now have more than eight hundred thousand rubles, which is a record for me. I usually hover between 150,000 and 300,000. But there is a problem. My last scav raid last night was fairly profitable, but it took me more than forty minutes to juggle all the inventory, research offer prices and post offers for all the loot from just the one raid. So I'm spending 10x time managing resources versus actually playing the game.
I'm not sure what to do. I could go back and just sell everything to the traders. That's quick, but much less profitable ( previous wipe, when I was first starting, I sold a GPU to Therapist for 60K rubles, IIRC. I didn't know better and had no other option ). And, I need to maximize profit if I want to buy any good armor, or increase the size of my stash ( it will cost me more than 3.5 million rubles to increase my stash size to Level 2 in the hideout ).
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