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Update: Raid 74, Thirty-six seconds in Factory

Destination: Factory


  • get better at PvP
  • have fun
  • be less afraid of death
  • repair second control panel and survive 
Progress:  small progress on one of those four goals.  Guess which one.

I didn't have much time to play last night. Warmed up with a scav run on Interchange. But didn't even bother selling the garbage I got as that may use up my time.  Time to go raiding!

Raid 74

Loadout: suppressed Kedr SMG, Press armor, meds, and tools for quest.  I don't remember if I was wearing ears or not. (I always do, unless I forget when kitting out hurriedly)

Spawned in glass hallway, directly across from the panel I need to repair.  So tempting!  But, I know there are other spawns just down the hallway, and it takes twenty seconds of holding still to repair, so first I better go ensure those are clear.  I briefly peeked, didn't hear or see anyone. Waited, hoping that maybe if there are two PMCs down there that they'll fight each other, and perhaps I can third party.  But it stayed quiet.

Suddenly there was scav shouting and shots in the main generator room, I heard someone going up a bunch of steps and more firing. Many of the shots seemed to be hitting the wall that I was sheltered behind.

Ok, if there is fighting over there, now is a good time to move. I headed down the hall to see if it was clear...and was headshotted immediately.  Congratulations Olyndicus on the kill. Were you down hall?

Time In Raid: 36 seconds
Exp: 0
Killed by: one round of .45 ACP to the head

  • no mistakes (maybe I shouldn't have gone down the hallway that has no cover? I could have gone the other direction)
  • none


Olyndicus is an interesting choice for a name. He was a "cunning and daring warrior", who was also armed with a magic silver lance.   I did not think so last night, but in the morning I'm wondering if the Olyndicus who killed me last night was not similarly equipped. I cannot clearly recall if I was wearing ears or not, but I know that I did not hear any footsteps at the extremes of the hallway. The shots that were striking the wall sheltering me make me think that perhaps my adversary was not down the hall, but was the one who clambered up the steps, and headshotted me the second I stepped out of cover because he had a magic lance. 
But maybe not. Perhaps he moved quietly, and perhaps he saw me peek out the first time and knew I was there, so he waited.  Hard to say. 

Post PostScript

I very much wanted to jump into another raid, but with the time it took me to go buy the weapons, ammo, armor, ears and et cetera I didn't have enough time for another raid. Instead I used my remaining time to just list some of those scav raid items on the flea market. 


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