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Update: Raid 73 - Factory Repair

Now that I'm Level 12 I have some new quests from Mechanic, one of which takes place in Factory. That's great. I'm planning on running Factory for a while to help improve my PvP and so it's nice to have another reason to be here.   

Raid 73

Loadout: Vityaz PP-19-01 SMG with laser, sight and suppressor, several magazines of mostly Pst gzh, but first couple mags are salted with some AP6.3 rounds. One grenade.  Meds, Press Zhuk-3 armor, and one set of tools. 

I know I need to make two repairs, but since I'm going to be in Factory for several more raids, there's no sense in pushing it.

Spawned into the area next to the Breach room. Turned on laser, made sure auto-fire was set, and left peeked down the hallway towards forklift spawn.  A PMC was already there, peeking back. We traded some fire, neither of us landing shots well. The left peek is hard, because I'm more exposed than he is. I quickly stepped further over to get a better angle on him and then cut him down with autofire. Risky move, but it paid off.  Except my leg was wounded. I cheesed, reloaded, and then entered the breach room and went down the stairs to finish medding. Applied the esmarch just before it blacked out and restored it.

Then, I used the underground passage to approach the forklift area again. There might have been a player in the glass hall, so I need to be careful. As I got close to the stairs, I slowed down to be super quiet. However, the minute I stepped on the metal stairs they made noise - even though I was going the slowest (though not crouched). So I just went up fast. But there was no one there. Glass corridor clear.

Hopped over to the panel. Took 20 seconds to make the repair. Then went to the body and got chopperchump's dogtags in my secure container, I took his pistol. He had a sling backpack...oooh! I bet he has some tools - I could finish the other repair. But just then heard the door over by breach room open. Shit.  Threw the unexamined sling into my backpack and tabbed out.  When I tabbed out I was disoriented - I must have rotated or something, because I wasn't facing the same as when I started looting. Took me a sec to get oriented again. Were those footsteps in the glass corridor or the passage to breach room?   The passage. But now I was worried it was too late. I froze. 

GatorKing stepped around the corner and took me down with a blast of 4.6x30mm ActionSX before I could even ADS or fire back.  Nice work GatorKing!

Time In Raid: 3 minutes, 37 seconds
Exp: 631
Kills: chopperchump
Ammo Used: 27  Hits: 6  Accuracy: 0.19  Damage to Body: 265


  • freezing
  • being disoriented
  • because it was a door I first heard, I should have known it was the passage, not the glass corridor. I should have gone immediately to the corner and peeked out, firing.  I might have been able to catch GatorKing in the corridor, where he would have no cover.  Even moving behind the forklift would have been better. But staying where I was, with no cover other than chopperchump's dead body was ungood. This is why I'm here in Factory - to stop making mistakes like this.
  • Alternately, I could have used the grenade. Easy to chuck it into the passageway.  Unused grenades is another classic cornflake-cperk mistake. 
  • Overlooked the "heavy bleed" icon  - I got lucky I was able to esmarch before the leg was blacked.  I should have applied that quicker.


  • used cover pretty well in first battle, and killed a player.
  • finished first repair of quest
  • put dogtag in secure container


So that 4.6x30mm Action SX ammo is something new to me. I've never been killed by that before. Turns out it's the ammo used by the MP7, which is supposedly the top-of-the-line SMG.  If GatorKing was packing that, he likely had much better armor than me, too.  Maybe someday if I ever manage to clear the whole lobby I'll reward myself by kitting out with an MP7. 

Post PostScript

Discovered that if anyone is using Zoom or Skype in my household, then my Tarkov latency becomes really bad. This isn't really an issue - I don't play during the daytime anyway, but interesting. 


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