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Updates: Raids 56-59 Is this fun yet?

Not having access to the flea market is making things needlessly hard. I can't finish the Gunsmith quest until I get the recoil of my MP-133 down, which I guess means I need a muzzle brake...which I can't buy from any trader. Nice. Maybe I can hang a rock on the end of the shotgun to reduce the vertical recoil, but then it probably won't pass on the ergo.

I notice there have been some changes to the traders.  For example, Fence was offering overpriced AKMs.  Finally!  That's great for us who don't have access to the flea.

And I still need Salewas to finish the first Therapist quest. Or a spark-plug so I can build a generator in the hideout and then craft them with the medstation.  But I haven't found either. I've been doing lots of scav raids on Interchange, but no luck. Making rubles, but not finding these quest items.

Actually, I _did_ find a Salewa on a scav run, once. But there was a big fire-fight going on at the closer extract, so I tried the other, made it all the way over to the other extract...and the raid timer ended seconds before the extract timer. Sigh.

Fighting (and losing) on Customs has not been fun lately.  I'm going to try raiding on Interchange.  Might as well double my effort for finding these items.

Raid 56 and 57 - Outside Interchange

There are four medical spawns outside the mall, two inside it on the second floor, and more in the highly dangerous Emercom office on the first floor, but thankfully I don't have the key for that.  So the plan is to hit the outside ones, maybe the inside one on the second floor. And maybe Oli to look for a spark plug.

In both raids I hit the outside ones and got IFAKS and car kits and other med supplies aplenty. And got a bunch of other stuff in the various stashes, including an MPX SMG and Pestily's mask. My MBSS was completely full so I didn't venture inside.  (Also, inside is scary).

Time In Both Raids: 20 minutes apiece
Exp: 900 apiece
Killed one scav (Patha Umnik).  This was a nice kill - I used "key hole" firing to fire at him through a small aperture I was able to make by using angles and hard cover effectively.    I could see and fire on him. He was struggling and landed no shots on me.

Raid 58 - Back to Customs

Interchange is boring outside. I can also rack up Exp by killing scavs.  Maybe Customs?

Destination: Customs

  • kill scavs
  • loot (esp meds)
  • avoid players
  • survive
Loadout: AKMS with one 30 round mag of BP and three of PS. (Aspirational!).  Ears, meds, rig, MBSS backpack.  CMS Medkit, IFAK and ALU splint in container.  One flash grenade. 

Spawned in alley between customs house and storage lockers.   Made my way away down the alley and ducked into some bushes for concealment.  Let the players fight in the customs house, let them pass.  And sure enough, fighting broke out shortly afterward.   It quieted down.  I was crouched and moving with the slowest speed, when I heard someone coming through the brush, approaching.   At first I couldn't tell if they were in front or behind me, but I jiggled my head and made them in front.  I waited, then I saw a guy with a blue beret walking below me in the trench.   I should have fired right away. But I held my fire.  In part, because the only time I ever wore a beret was when I was in a duo, to avoid team kills. Was there a second?  And also, because I was a little too "in front" of the player. If I'm going to kill him, I probably need to shoot him in the back. You know, like a coward.

He passed, I moved - but still walking too slow. I raised up my speed ... and he was gone into the bush. I couldn't see him.  I went to the other side of the alley... was that smudge in the bush a player?  I fired some shots. Hmmm. Nothing. But I need to move.

I went into customs back yard, peeked the alley (clear), and went into the little shack.  Opened up a filing cabinet when I heard footsteps stomping somewhere outside. I bailed the search, lowered my speed so as to not make noise on the wood floor, and crouched in the corner, aiming out the door. I'm not sure if a player can see in these raised windows, but here I should be hard to see if he can.  The footsteps went back and forth, it felt like they were just on the other side of the corrugated iron wall of the shack. Suddenly I heard a highish voice say "Hmmmm?"   What the hell is that? 

The footsteps stomped away.  I returned to the file cabinet and looted it.  As I was getting ready to leave, the footsteps stomped back.  I crouched again, aiming out the door.   

A player was on the other side of the cement customs wall. He definitely knew where I was - maybe he heard me. He walked the gap in the fence backwards, peering in my direction. Maybe he couldn't see me clearly in the semi-light. I smashed the fire button.  Forgot to switch to auto-fire. Damnit!!  I started firing repeatedly, he fired at me, clipping my arm, and backed up to safety on the firing angle behind the wall. I threw my flash grenade and turned to face away from the blast.  It went off and I hit the run key to get the hell out of this trap when I died.  Apparently he had thrown an F-1 grenade into the shack. I guess I did not hear it.  How could I not hear it on the wooden floor?  Oh well.  That was a well placed grenade froge211, congratulations on the kill! 

Time In Raid: 11 minutes 27 seconds
Exp: 51
Ammo Used: 8.  Hits: 0   (I suck).


  • Not hearing grenade
  • Staying in the shack when I heard footsteps after looting. Not a good place to be. His footsteps should have sent me moving, not cowering.
  • Not landing any shots.
  • Forgetting to switch to autofire.
  • Forgetting to raise walk-speed.
  • Not firing immediately on blue-beret.  C'mon, how many times do I need to make this mistake? Must learn to fire first, without hesitation.


  • I remembered to use grenade and used it correctly - to drive back an adversary.

Raid 59 - Why bother?

I have three ADAR 2.15s.  Why? I have no idea.  I decided to run them. Wrong decision, really. I should sell them and buy AKMs instead, or maybe an SMG.  But whatever.

Loadout: ADAR 2.15 . PACA armor (because I'm a loser).  Ears, meds. T-Backpack. No grenade.

I spawned in an unusual place - right above the wall at military checkpoint, the wall that leads to New Gas.  Never spawned here before.  Went down to military checkpoint, carefully scanning the hills above it and behind me, where the normal player spawns are.  Too early for scavs, so the checkpoint is empty.  I went to the area near admin gate / UN truck and began looting.  A huge firefight broke out in the liquid storage containment area - probably in the building with the green screen.  

Where to next?  In retrospect, scavs would be spawning soon, so heading into the liquid containment area might be the best. But the firefight there made me nervous, so I went the other way, up into the woods.  A sniper fired on me from somewhere, but missed. I hustled.  There's a med stash in the shack at Power Tower Hill, but I had a feeling about that, so I skirted. Crossed train tracks, made it up to the stash under the power tower at the edge of the map. Looted that.  Pushed into the map a little and started towards the wall the separates from dorms area.  Just then I heard walking, coming up the hill on my left. Not good concealment here - the bushes are scraggly and low. But better than nothing. Dropped into a bush and faced the direction the steps were coming from.

A player came into view. I snapped off almost a dozen shots - square into his center of mass. Or so I thought.  I died to QAQdongfangccr's blast of flechette.  Good reaction QAQdongfangccr

Time In Raid: 7 minutes, 52 seconds
Exp: 58
Ammo Used: 9   Hit: 1   (only one?)  Accuracy: 0.11   Damage to Body: 50

The recoil of these unmodded ADARs and M4s is rough.  I find it very discouraging to land only one shot. I guess I should have aimed more carefully for a headshot.   Sometimes it seems like Tarkov uses an abbreviated system for calculating damage and hits:  if the shooter is cornflake-cperk then it's a miss. 


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