I made level 9 in the raids with om3ga. He advised me that until I hit Level 10 I shouldn't worry too much about seeking out PVP action. I will need better armor, better weapons, and that means getting to the flea market should be my focus, which, in turn, means completing quests.
Destination: Customs
Goal: Find Salewas and/or a spark plug (so I can build a generator and then craft Salewas).
Raid 49
Loadout: OP-SKS with suppressor, dot-sight, one 20-round magazine of BP and two of PS. Kirasa class 3 armor, rig, ears, meds, one grenade. In container: CMC medkit, 60 rounds BP.
I spawned outside in the liquid containment section, near the small tanks. I headed for the building near there, since it has good loot, going slow and keeping my head down, because a player might spawn in that building. I was in the depression between the tanks. I hadn't reached the berm when I heard a player on the cement walkway between my location and the building. I waited for a second for him to go, but he seemed to be walking back and forth. Should I grenade him?
I must have moved or otherwise made noise, or maybe my head was poking out a little, I dunno. Suddenly HZJ_0716 raced to the top of the berm and killed me before I could even get my weapon aimed. As I died I heard him scrambling down the berm to loot me. Congratulations HZJ_0716 on the sharp hearing, please don't take my suppressed SKS.
Time In Raid: 58 seconds
Exp: 0
- being crouched and frozen and waiting once I heard him. I might have been able to take the initiative. Grenading and rushing the berm was definitely the right call. I was just too scared to make it.
- at least the idea to use the grenade occurred to me. In the past I would have completely forgot about until afterwards.
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