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Update: Raid 61 - Scav Reaper

I only need a bit over 2000 Exp to make level 10.  Countless Scav raids on Interchange each hitting four or five med spawns have garnered me enough meds to open my own pharmacy, but not a single Salewa.  But that's ok. I can push over 2000 simply by killing a bunch of scavs and surviving.

Destination: Shoreline (my current favorite map)


  • kill scavs
  • avoid players
  • survive
  • achieve Level 10
Progress:  Tantalizingly Close

Raid 61

Loadout: Two weapons. MP5 with dot sight and suppressed VPO-209 with basic Pilad 4x scope. The combo I call the "noob VSS".  My new Korund Class 5 armor, ears, and my trusty "Shattered" Halloween mask. Rig, magazines aplenty with noob level ammo, T-bag backpack, meds, one grenade, water and can of herring.  Container has splint, IFAK, and CMS surgical kit.  

Spawned along the "new" west wall, not too far from Road to Customs extract.  Made sure scope was ranged right (100 meters), and MP5 set to autofire and then headed out, heading towards the Road to Customs extract, and from there work my way to the sea. Should pass some Scavs that way.  I was walking concealment to concealment, trying to stay in the tree shadows.  

Suddenly I heard footsteps running towards me.  I headed towards a bush and turned to faced the sound. Two players ran along a nearby ridgeline, they disappeared over the lip and then their footsteps stopped.  Did they hear me enter the bush? Were they waiting on me?  Would they wait? Surely they are headed to the resort, right?  I didn't move a muscle. I hate "freeze like a deer", but couldn't think of a better option. 

Just then, another player came tromping down the same ridge, disappeared over the lip, and gunfire broke out. The duo had been set-up.  Maybe for me?   I didn't run, but took the opportunity to move quickly and quietly to the next bush and put more distance between us.  

Made my way to Road to Customs extract. Just below the road I heard footsteps running. They stopped. A player? No, more likely a Scav. I switched weapons, stood and went to take him. As I came up on the road, I saw that I was dead in his sights, without hard cover.  He fired, but not enough to kill me. The MP5 took him down.  I quickly looted him and took concealment to med. 

Worked my down hoping to kill the scavs in the checkpoint tower on the road, but empty. Proceeded to the construction area.  A Scav suprised me around a corner there. I fumbled briefly, because instead of hip shooting I aimed down sight with the VPO-209, and that scope and close range is not good. But I had cover and killed him with no injury to myself.  

As I neared the end of construction I scoped out on the jetty, at the lighthouse. There was a Scav standing guard there.  I aimed, held my breath, and fired.  And hit, but not a head shot. Damn - he's probably 150 meters and my scope is at 100, I forgot to re-range my scope.  Are these dots mils or MOAs? Why do I even ask? I still wouldn't know what to do with that answer. I tried the next dot down, and then one after, and maybe one more. Ultimately, I got him.  Mental note: remember to zero the scope. Mental note: Learn how to use a scope.

The place where the pier meets the road is dangerous. There's an easy spot for a sniper above, and the Scavs at the gas station sometimes overwatch too.  But I'm here to kill Scavs. So I switched to the MP5 and proceeded down the pier.  Outside the little checkpoint I could hear a Scav, on my left.   I came in fast, gun up, and took that left corner.  No scav.  Well, that's not entirely correct - there was a Scav, but he had been on the right -  now he was directly behind me.  Unchivalrously, he shot me in the back with a shotgun.  Ooof. I spun and cut him down. Reloading, I went down the little alley and sat among the garbage and medded. The armor had likely saved me, but I had a blacked arm and a heavy bleed. I began to med. As I did, I could hear the Scavs inside the building suddenly exclaim from alarm. They poured out of the front door of the building, staring agog at their recently murdered friend. Time, I need time.  I was desperately medding as fast as I could. Praying that none of them took another step forward where they might see me.  

Done. I went back down the alley, aiming down sight. Carefully pied the corner. First scav came into view. I dropped him. His friend started firing on me, but the corner of the building was protecting me.  I continued to pie the corner and started on the second scav. Shit - he had a helmet with a faceshield.  Will the 9mm go through that? Answer: eventually. 

Now what? Should I go in the building? Continue down the pier? I've never been inside that building - I certainly don't need to get jump scared and killed by a lurking scav. I've been making a lot noise - that could draw unwanted attention. And, it's getting late, and this is near a player extract. So I decided to not stick around.  In retrospect, this might have been a mistake - I don't know how to tell if the Pier Boat extract is open or not, but it was likely one of my optional ones. Maybe I should have extracted from the pier.

Regardless, the decision was to move. I started walking up the pier.  Did I remember to reload the MP5 after that last encounter? I need to keep it combat ready, especially before I reach the area around the gas station. I took my hands off my move keys to alt-T and check the magazine. It was full. Great! I did remember.....and I'm dead.  Head/eyes from Isshin Hebi with a single round of 7.62x39mm BP. 

Congratulations Isshin Hebi for the headshot. I didn't see you, but I'm guessing you were on the point that sits above the bridge.  I guess that'll teach me to stop and check magazine when in the open. It was a fun raid, but being killed by Mr. Isshin Hebi smarts doubly because had I survived, the survival bonus and multiplier would have got me to level 10. But as it is, I'm just some few hundred exp away.

Time In Raid: 31 minutes, 36 seconds
Exp: 1534
Kills (6): Viktor Geroy, Valyok Batters, Styopa Rodnenkiy, Vasya Vertubay, Seryy Rezanyy, Yarik Drakon.     Godspeed gentlemen.  
Ammo used: 54,  Hits: 21, Accuracy 0.37, Damage to Body: 882, Damage to Armor: 96.  Longest shot: 153 meters.
Two kills with the VPO-209 and four with the MP5. 


  • died
  • careless in open in a dangerous location  - should have been running cover to cover.  
  • should I have proceeded to Pier Boat?
  • ADS with scoped weapon at close range.
  • mislocated sound? ( Is it possible that the Scav I heard on the left was in the building, and the one on the right, who shot me in the back, hadn't said anything? )
  • forgot to re-range scope when target wasn't at 100 meters


  • Killed six Scavs. That's a personal record for me in an online raid.  Offline I usually kill a lot, even with the difficulty set to maximum or "As Online".  Players make everything harder.
  • Avoided the three PMCs at the beginning of the raid.  
  • Mostly used concealment and hard cover well.


In my last scav raid of the night I finally got a spark plug. So now I've got the generator enabled and can make Salewas.  Have to remember to turn generator off when not using it or it'll burn up all my fuel.

Post PostScript

I was on a scav raid in Interchange. I spawned into IDEA and there were a ton of Scavs there  - a veritable Scav jamboree. Most of them were AI scavs. I was in the little computer room, looting the computers, while these Scavs crowded around watching. Man they give me the creeps - aren't you guys supposed to be looking for PMCs or something?
I was flipping between inventory screens and I mis-clicked causing my weapon to discharge into the floor.  But there was another Player Scav a row over. The gunshot freaked him out. He shot the Scav standing closest to him.  The AI Scavs leapt to action and started shooting manically. I hit the deck, hoping to not get gunned down in the crossfire.  The Player Scav was killed. The AI Scavs went back to glaring. I felt really bad for whoever that was...but not too bad, because he had something I desperately needed: a backpack.  Thanks to his involuntary contribution I was able to have a very successful loot run. Thank you Jumpy Scav, whoever you were.


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