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Update: Raid 62 - Got the Level 10 Swagger

With the spark plug I was able to build the generator in my hideout, and with that I was able to craft Salewas, and with those, I finished the Shortage Therapist quest. And with the experience from that I graduated to Level 10.  Finally!  

I sold off a bunch of these medical supplies I had been gathering on the flea market, and bought myself some .366 TKM AP ammo. That stuff is nearly 700 rubles a round!! Whelp! That's like 10x what I had expected. 

I'm not sure I like being Level 10. Now when I Tarkov poorly I have no one to blame but myself.  Before, like a teenager who hasn't moved out of the house yet, I could always blame the system that denied me access to my every desire. 

Raid 62

Destination: Shoreline

The goals today are much like yesterday: 

  • avoid players
  • kill scavs
  • survive and extract
Loadout: Two weapons.  Suppressed scoped VPO-209 with one magazine of .366 TKM AP and one magazine of .366 TKM FMJ.  And a Kedr with several magazines of Pst gzh. Ears, Class 4 armor, MBSS  backpack, rig, meds, one grenade.  CMS medkit, IFAK and ALU Splint in Alpha Container.

I spawned against the map-edge river, on the "new" west side.  Not far from Road to Customs extract.  I made my way to concealment and ensured the Kedr was set to autofire, the scope was set to 6x and zeroed at 100m.   Ok, so the tentative plan is to wait around here for scavs to spawn, then try the same play as yesterday - go through construction and hit the pier again. 

I didn't have to wait long until footsteps tromped around nearby. Scav? Most likely. I waited a bit, and they tromped off in the direction of the checkpoint tower. I peeked out and there was someone with a dickhead helmet and a Scav packback.  Player? I aimed and fired two shots, but too eagerly. The player began to zig-zag crazily and ran into the woods.

Damnit.  And, even though this is suppressed, it's still a little loud.  I need to move.  I moved upriver - if nothing else, maybe I can get a scav near the extract.   There was nothing there, so I moved back down the river.  This is dangerous, because if that player is looking for me, I may encounter him.

But, seemingly no.  And still no scavs back at the checkpoint tower. Onwards.    Just before I broke into open ground at the edge of the woods I caught sight of someone behind me. I took concealment in a bush and aimed down sight through the scope.  It was a player, crouched, looking at me. I quickly centered the scope on his chin - need to keep aim point low, since this is zeroed to 100m and he's much closer. But in that brief moment of aiming, I could see his posture, the furrow on his brow. He had questions, such as "Did I just hear someone?" and "Is there someone over there?".   I pulled the trigger to answer in the affirmative. 

Too quickly and carelessly I scampered over to the body. I pulled the splint out of my alpha container and replaced it with dunkmilkers1488 dog tags. I began looting him. This early, he didn't have much.  In fact, it was a rather scavvy loadout (I should know).  He had a SV-98 sniper rifle, but one of those bright blue scav luggage packs, and a dickhead helmet. But not much else. I grabbed his magazines and the scope from his rifle. Is this the same guy as before?  I'm not so sure...this is a different backpack.  Just then I noticed that he had an orange armband.  Shit - does he have a teammate?  I need to bounce.

I moved on.  Unfortunately, the path I'm taking puts me in the clear.  Well, let's hope if he has a friend that he's a bad shot. I ran across the clear area next to the minefield until I reached the cover of the vehicles.  My stamina seems short.  Why is that?

Just as I was about to cross into construction, I saw another player in front of me, heading that way.  Fuck. He's going to get my scav kill. I crossed the road and went up onto the hill, taking cover. I peeked the construction. No sign of the player.  But that blue wall obscures a lot.

I continued on through the woods on the overlooking hill, stepping over from time to time to peek again, but no sign.  Also, no sound of combat. Maybe no scavs?

At last I arrived at the bridge and the entrance to the pier area.  The weather/radar tower thing is right behind me, making me nervous.  Also, each of these bushes along here could have someone sniping.  So the first thing I did was switch to the Kedr and clear them.  Then I switched back to the VPO and peeked the pier again, looking for an easy Scav kill.  

Ouch! I took a sniper hit. Fuck. Where is he? Behind up on the radar tower hill?  Somewhere else in these bushes? I scrambled. And PK'd.  More fire came my way, but none landed. My stamina gave way and I had to walk briefly....sweet mother of god, not now!!.... I resumed running and ran into the road, to hide behind one of the big military vehicles. I had a heavy bleed and a blacked arm.  I took care of the bleed, healed up a bit. I had so many questions: "What should I do next?"  "Where is this damn sniper?". Fortunately for me, VerifiedToxic gave me a concise answer to both my questions by headshotting me. He was in the lighthouse ( of course, why didn't I think of that? I guess it's because I've never been to that part of the map before).      Congratulations VerifiedToxic for the kill. I presume you'll be making good future use of both my and dunkmilkers1488 scopes which I delivered to you. Please remember us when you use them. 

Time In Raid: 20 minutes, 33 seconds
Exp: 724   ( I was expecting more, having killed a PMC )
Ammo Used: 3.  Hits: 1   Accuracy: 0.33 
Kills: dunkmilkers1488   - Godspeed, good sir. You died valiantly for team orange. I am sure they will mourn your loss.


  • was the player I saw go into construction the same as killed me? Is there a sneaky parkour way of getting to the lighthouse without having to battle the scavs in-between?
  • Should I have followed that player that went into construction?  I had seen him, and he had likely not seen me. But chasing is always a dangerous.  Given that a stated goal was "avoid players", I think this was not a mistake.
  • Not correctly guessing where sniper was. Lack of map knowledge and common sense. 
  • Fleeing to "safety" towards pier.  What was I thinking?  No matter where he was, simply going deeper into the woods and taking concealment would have been a smarter play.  I was dum without the "b". 
  • Firing too eagerly on very first player.  
  • Why was stamina so low?  Did I need to eat and drink? Too much crouching?


  • Killed a player!  62 raids in and this is only the fourth player I've managed to kill. Now you understand why I write a blog instead of streaming. Worst stream ever.
  • Did I mention that I killed a player?
  • Put killed players dog-tag in my secure container.  Even though I didn't survive the raid, I can sleep with this trophy under my pillow.


I was hoping to go on more raids, but reaching Level 10 not only unlocked the flea market, but I was able to build a workbench in the hideout which unlocked the gun modding tool and the presets screens. I spent entirely too much time just fiddling with onscreen gadgets instead of raiding.

Post Postscript

Access to the flea market definitely changes the game. It's entirely different now. Before I never worried about min/maxing loot or cashflow or building up the hideout. But now all of those become important. The analogy to a teenager living on their own is apt - suddenly you realize how expensive rent is, and how much money it takes to buy a house or a car, and you start to think seriously about getting a better paying job and taxes.  I didn't realize how sweet I had it as a noob.

Post Post Postscript

VerifiedToxic killed me with 7.62x54R 7N37.  That ammo is nearly 1800 rubles per round on the flea market.  He fired at least five rounds at me.  That's 10,000 rubles for a single kill. He's losing money if he kills scavs.   I should get a big "No Radio" sign to hang around my neck - could save my life.


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