Heading to Woods.
- survive
- kill scavs
- locate prapor convoy and usec encampment, if convenient
Raid 22
Loadout: SKS-OP with BP. 30 rounds PS in pocket. Helmet, armored rig, ears.
Spawned god-only know where. I don't recognize anything. Went in one direction, saw a sign for a minefield. Turned around, went in other direction. Another sign for a minefield. Where the hell am I? The weather is overcast, so can't use shadows to mark a bearing. Am I really between two minefields, or am I turning in circles?
Wandered, hoping to catch sight of some power lines or something. Stop. There's a body, leaning against a tree. Seems dead. Went to check it for loot and BOOM - walked onto a mine. Goddamnit - I must be near the USEC camp. Medded. Looked around and saw the fringes of the encampment - made my way there praying to not step on another mine. Arrived safely. The place seems empty. Grabbed some loot - which was surprisingly poor. I got a Salewa, but mostly weapon parts that I can't use. Whatever.
Ok - there are no mines on the water side - so I headed down to the ponds. The scav radio tower is ahead. Maybe I can get some scav kills. And here things went south. I encountered a scav. At first I couldn't see him. I stupidly stuck my head out until I saw the flash from his gun in a bush. Ultimately, I killed him, but he messed me up badly. Retreated and medded again. Went back up hill and started fighting with another scav - but I seemed unable to land any shots on him at all. Just as I was beginning to retreat I started catching fire from another scav on my right flank. Please, I don't want to die again.
I ran down the hill in very bad shape. Used up the Salewa, my cheese, the esmarch. Pretty much everything I had. Bleeding stopped but I was in bad shape. Time to go. Nearest exfil is Outskirts, which is not near at all. Started the walk of shame. Found Prapor's convoy. Looted, but no meds or foodstuff. Just more useless weapon parts. Continued towards exfil, but didn't make it - dehydration killed me.
I killed the scav guard Vadimka Pochatalon. (Godspeed Vadimka). Fired 9 shots total, landed 5.
Killed by: Diman Vetihina (scav). I suffered wounds from 12 gauge buckshot, 5.56x45mm M855A1 , and .366 AP . Remarkable I was able to walk away from that fight at all.
Time In Raid: 20 minutes, 26 seconds.
Exp: 683
- Died ( no credit for finding convoy and usec camp - must survive raid )
- not using hard cover in firefight
- scavs can be "reset" easily - need to do this quicker if firefight isn't going well.
- difficulty aiming. I need to do something about this
- couldn't "see" the scavs or use audio successfully to place them. Standing in open hoping to see muzzle flash is not a general viable strategy.
- lack of map knowledge almost killed me with mines.
- While stepping on a mine was definitive, I probably should have been quicker to spot the USEC camp.
- not bringing water.
- killed a scav (only 14 to go)
- even though I had trouble aiming, I landed 5 out of 9 shots. That's an improvement for me.
- I won't get fooled by that body-in-a-minefield trick again. ( I hope )
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