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Update: Slowly Progressing

 After the double debacle that was my last raid, I really want to survive and, if possible, get that damn watch.  I have died the last four raids and really do not want to go five deaths in a row. 

Raid 20 - Time to Celebrate

Loadout: SKS (23K) with BP, PS in pocket, ears (13K), repaired armor, rig, sling, meds.  Pouch has car med kit, machine key and one grenade.

Insurance: 18K

If I spawn close the plan is to push in as fast as possible to see if I can get that watch and then get to safety and work my way out.  And ... I spawn in the furthest corner, trailer park across river. Oh well.  Worked my way up towards crossroads, and then to bridge. Proceeding fairly quietly because there seemed to be some activity in the storage units.  How to cross river? Junk bridge or main bridge?  Decided main bridge because it has lots of hard cover, and junk bridge has not been kind to me lately.  While crossing could hear a hell of a lot of fighting somewhere ahead (construction?) but couldn't place it or see anything.  Also, multiple footsteps on junk bridge heading to customs house - so lucky call there.  No sign of anyone at far end of bridge, entered construction/warehouse area.  

Apparently the fighting I heard had occurred here, and was extensive. Three or four bodies, mostly scavs it seemed.  But coast seemed clear. The truck door was already open - I hopped up, got the watch and made my way skirting old gas to the exit.  Encountered one scav, a Mr. Vadik Syarksa, who I dispatched.  Exfiled.  Another quest complete. 

Now I have two quests from Prapor that both take place in Woods: kill 15 scavs and locate his missing convoy.  


  • I did some looting along the way, but forgot to move more valuable items to my pouch.  Need to remember that in future.


  • Did not die
  • Got watch and completed quest

Raid 21

Map: Woods
  • survive
  • kill scavs if opportunity arises
  • find prapor convoy if convenient to spawn location
Spawned on the "new" east of map, at section of broken wall where the previous map used to end.  This is really not close to Prapors convoy, but supposedly scavs can be found in the villages and it might be good to get used to crossing.  

Northern UN Roadblock is near, gathered loot.  Old sawmill was empty of scavs and players.  Decided to skirt it because I realized I didn't bring money for the bridge extract, and I don't have the ZB-014 key yet, so that means a long haul to outskirts  - can't waste time.   Skirted old sawmill. Looked down at village - a PMC entered one of the gardens, couldn't see him after. Waited for a bit - no sounds of combat.  So there are no scavs?  Ok, let's head to convoy.  I can cut towards the sniper rock and then up to where the convoy should be.  Crossed road, moved into cover, took two steps forward and got hit twice and died.  Could not hear the retort of any gun, so it was either suppressed or a long ways away, probably the shooter (akaMark) was up on sniper rock.  

Congratulations akaMark on the kill (2 shots 7.62x39mm BP to thorax).  

Time In Raid: 8 minutes 0 seconds.
Exp: 14  


  • died
  • forgetting money for car extract
  • not putting any valuable loot in pouch ( the little loot I got was not valuable)



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