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Update: Raid 41 - Ghost

Goal: Kill a PMC and extract successfully.

I'll skip the details. Had an AK-105 with 5.45 x 39mm BP rounds.  Went to third-party some combat, and set-up around a corner. A series of battles ensued, I could hear them more than I could see, but didn't want to venture into the firing zone.  Finally heard a PMC coming my way, as planned. I was aiming down sight, ready.  Player stepped into my view and I had him completely by surprised. At no more than 4 meters with auto-fire dumped a half magazine of BP rounds into his head and chest, keeping my reticle square on him - gun did not rise out of control or anything.  He simply turned around and walked back around the corner as if nothing had happened. I wasn't going to wait for him to return, so I threw a grenade and used it to disengage and withdrew from the combat.  I thought about trying to flank him, or whatever, but if all I have in this rifle are blanks, what is the point?

Between counting the rounds in the half spent magazine and the  post-screen rundown, I see that I fired 16 rounds of BP and not one of them hit anything. Not body, not armor. Whiffs.  Desync maybe?  I may have to investigate my ping and servers again, or choose a different time to play.


  • playing Escape from Tarkov


  • used grenade
  • killed a scav (later) and extracted


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