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Update: Raid 40 - Frozen

Goal: kill one PMC and extract successfully

Map: Customs

Progress: ungood

Raid 40

Loadout: AKMS with a single 30-round magazine of BP, and four 10-round mags of PS.  One grenade, rig, ears (13K), meds. No backpack or helmet.  Car med-kit in pouch.

Spawned above river, near trailer shacks (apparently North and South have been reversed on this map too with the latest update).  Moved downhill and over, taking obscuring cover in bush.  If there is a big firefight above I may try to third-party it. Otherwise, I'll wait so as to not have players come up behind me.  One player ran by, but not close. I peeked but didn't see him.  I waited a bit after he passed and then headed out.  

Cover to cover made my way to main bridge and started crossing. Just past the middle I saw the helmet of a player going the opposite direction down on the junk bridge. If I run can I catch him as he comes up the hill?   Not sure, he's already ahead I can't catch him walking and that'll make a lot of noise if I run - he could easily set-up on me from cover.    (I wonder if he's headed to the director's office? Could he open it for me?)  Whatever, let him go.

I advanced to the bus, stepped up into it to view what was ahead. Sometimes I can see (and kill) the scav guard at the intersection by shooting through the windows.  But it seemed clear.

I worked my forward to the last truck before the crossing. A scav shouted and started firing. I kept my head down, worked around and peeked him.  There wasn't one scav, there were two. I fired a bit, landing shots, I think, but their return volleys were too much - I was getting hurt badly. I almost didn't make it - the shock rendered me immobile. I PK'd and retreated all the way to the bus. I medded. One arm black and my head was at the minimum.  I was able to restore health for my head, but nothing too severe.  I peeked out before returning and there was a scav right there. He must have just spawned. Lucky I retreated all the way to the bus, otherwise he would have been behind me. 

The scav seemed to be an AI scav, not a player scav. I killed and looted him.  I retreated back to the bus, briefly, and then returned up to the truck, to re-attempt taking on those two scavs. I started catching fire even before I reached cover, and there was now a third scav somewhere on my right flank.  I tried exchanging fire, but it was too hot - putting my head up or around was bringing in fire from three places.  I retreated a third time to the bus.  I climbed up into it to again try to spy. Could I see that right flanking scav?  No sign of him.

In the distance, some motion caught my eye. A player was crab-walk-turning over near RUAF extract. He was just a smudge of pixels on my screen. Can I hit him from here?  Suddenly there was a lot of motion around him. I counted four different flashes going off around him, and he fell over dead.  Apparently there's a veritable hive of scav guards over there. And three of them here. Geez, where were these guys when I was working on my debut quest?

OK, I need a plan.  My 30-round magazine was fairly depleted. I didn't have extra rounds, but I had those 10-round mags. I started transferring rounds out so I could re-fill that 30-round mag.  If the goal is to just cross the river, I can easily go back and use the junk bridge.  Or, I can run forward and jump the left rail and drop down into the bushes over there - shouldn't be much trouble. But I really wanted to take this fight. If I knew where the flanking scav was located I'd start with him. But I don't.  Maybe I'll just have to risk it - try and put the truck in between us, but that will expose me to the other two.  Or perhaps go all the way to the little car?

Just then there were footsteps running.  I thought they were coming from the direction of the scavs at first. Too late did I realize they were coming from behind me.  A player scav ran up to the rear of the bus - he saw me then ducked behind the bus. I turned, aiming down sight.  Forgot to switch to auto-fire though. The scav returned and started A-D strafing me.  I was crouched, not moving, without cover.  I returned fire as best I could, but I could see how this was going to play out.

I have never seen the A-D strafe quite so clearly before. I can see why it's effective with an auto-fire weapon and why it's utterly ridiculous. He didn't even move behind the cover of the bus - he just blurred left right left right left right like a bee or a hummingbird. Does one even need to aim?  It seems like that should be simple to solve. Even if they don't want to introduce proper player inertia - just putting a delay between A and D would solve this.     I guess this is another thing I'll have to learn.  Why do they tell noobs to use an SKS, when that isn't building any skill one will really use?  

Time In Raid: 17 minutes, 17 seconds
Exp: 280
Ammo: 31   Hits: 8  Accuracy 0.23  (or 0.25 ?)
Killed: Radik Shostuk
Killed By: many rounds of 7.62x25mm ( the PSHR light machine gun ).


  • overly deliberate, but also
  • frozen / scared  -- I should not have spent so much time trapped on that bridge. 
  • maybe I should carry loose rounds of BP in container? Unpacking and packing mags is unwise.
  • still need to improve combat - I should have easily sunk those first two scavs.  
  • misreading sound cues.  
  • completely messing up that last fight. No cover? No movement? Really, almost any other action I could have taken would have been preferable.  
  • Could have used grenade with the two scavs, or the last player scav.  I am dying too often grenades unused.  
  • did not survive


  • repacking the 30-rounder (or attempting to) before taking on multiple targets was smart, even if I didn't get that far. 


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