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Update: Raid 39 - Mixed Bag

I am overjoyed to not be doing Woods. I have still not decided which map to tackle next, but my immediate goals are to seek out more PVP action. 

Destination: Customs
  • kill a player and extract successfully
Progress: I extracted successfully. 

Raid 39

Loadout: VPO-136. two 10-round magazines of BP, three of PS. Rig, one grenade, meds. Car-kit in container. No backpack. 
Insurance: 18K

Spawned into the liquid containment section - in the building that just bridges a pipe. Made my way over to the building with the green screen. The side door was shut and I could hear someone moving around in the building.  I went around, hoping to catch the player as they extracted, but it got quiet and no player appeared. Maybe he went out one of the other doors? Or maybe he's sniping from up there? Decided to move on, since the raid has barely started.  Crossed over to the checkpoint building. No scavs. A player was moving across the grass towards the little outbuilding near Gas. I scooted around the vehicles, but I'd already lost eyes on him.  Took cover and watched the outbuilding, but no one came out - just then I heard heavy fire at Gas.  I headed up to power tower, looted it. 

So by now it should be clear to you, gentle reader, that I was not actually working towards my ostensible goal.  I could have perhaps attempted to quietly stalk into the building with the looter in the liquid storage area. Or I could have hustled up to gas and attempted to third-party the other player. But all my Tarkov instincts were working against me. All those scav runs, all those deaths, all the raids I survived without firing a weapon - they have conditioned me to avoid danger, and nothing is more dangerous than players.  I didn't even realize what I was doing until I departed from power tower.

I approached dorms, and heard fighting inside.  Should I go third-party that? Ummm, no. Survive is also one of the goals.  Someone began firing on me from the dorm windows - I ran to safety. As I came up on the Sniper Roadblock, there was a player crossing the road.  I aimed and began firing, and landing shots. He ran away down the hill. I'll flank him!  I ran along the road until I was above the junk bridge. Then I crossed the road, quieted down, and pushed into the bushes.  I had a good perch to shoot when he approaches junk bridge, and he wouldn't easily see me. I waited. But he never came.  Maybe he extracted at Smugglers Boat? Or did he run straight over the junk bridge to begin with? Wouldn't I have heard that? Oh well.

Made my way to Customs buildings.  I don't have the key to the Director's office, but maybe someone left it open - if so I might be able to get that quest item.  There was a scav in the parking lot - even better, as that probably indicates no players around.  Ultimately there were three scavs.  I killed them all. Each time I had a little difficulty because I was miscounting my shots and having to reload mid-fight. Those damn 10 round magazines are hell. I wish I could buy the 30 round ones.  Sucks to noob.  

Anyway, the office was not open. I continued towards Crossroads. There was a body at the edge of the extract.  Was it the guy I shot at earlier? I cleared the area - no camper that I could see.  I searched the body - it had an M4A1 and an AKMS. Yes and yes!  Backpack had been taken. I dropped my VPO-136 and the shotgun I had gotten from one of the scav victims.  I grabbed the guns and his dog tags as the extract counter ticked down.  A successful raid!

After extracting I realized the body belonged to a Level 7 player.  Oh no, a noob like me! I shouldn't have taken his weapon - he can't replace it.  I'm so sorry, CumShooter9. I will christen this weapon in your honor.  Ironically, though it's sitting right at extract, my VPO-136 may actually come back on insurance.  

Time In Raid: 33 minutes, 36 seconds
Exp: 2499
Kills: Zheka Strimer, Leva Kopiraytor, Korneliy Sherman
Ammo Used: 42  Hits: 18  Accuracy: 0.24
Healing: 1.5K Rubles


  • forgetting goal of killing another player.  Only attempt was well thought out, but ineffective.
  • cowardice
  • taking stuff from a noob
  • bad ammo management in fire-fights with scavs.  Screwed up on each of the three.


  • survived
  • killed three scavs
  • got some new weapons.


I also did a quick Scav run on Customs, blessed with a FAL.  Got some great loot, came up on a player who was fiddling with his inventory or something and began shooting him with autofire. One shot landed, but the gun kicked up hard and he killed me before I could get control and re-aim.  Sigh.


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