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Update: Raid 38 - Quest Complete (finally)



  • kill scav or die trying

Raid 38

Loadout: AK-74M with one 30-round magazine of SP (low pen, high damage) and 2 magazines of PRS (similar).  Meds, one grenade, rig, no backpack.   

Spawned same location as last raid - across pond from Abandoned Village. As before, went tree-to-tree, looking for scavs.  None.  Looted a bit, and then headed towards Scav Radio Tower, switching to automatic fire as I made the ascent.  First section quiet - no scavs. Crossed road heading towards second section (with the underground bunker) when I spotted a scav crossing the lower road.  I raised my gun and fired, forgetting both that it was set to automatic fire, and that my current location wasn't secure.  

My first shot hit the scav, but not enough to kill him, and the others all went into the sky as the weapon rose from the recoil.  Worse, this alerted a nearby scav who shouted and shot me with his shotgun.  My ability to move was nearly nil. I started PK-ing, and the scav shot at me again (missing I think).  I staggered down the hill and started medding in a bush. One of my legs was blacked.  I stopped the bleeding, and limped back up the hill - flanking from the other side.  

The scav popped up - I stepped behind a wall as his shotgun tore into it.  I threw a grenade over and took the corner after it went off.  Where was he? Suddenly he called out. My Russian isn't so strong, but I think it was "Now taste my grenade, imperialist", a grenade came over from the far end and landed in the bunker.  I stepped back behind the wall out of an abundance of caution.  

I flanked again, but he was gone. Where did he go? I tried to go downstairs, but I had no flashlight and it was too dark (maybe the grenade blew out the lights?).  I took another PK and went back over the road to the other side of the scav base.  Still no sign. I looted a box, and as I grabbed an unexamined item, I heard footsteps. A Scav shouted, I brought up my weapon, and we traded fire  - I cut him down, but my motion was slow again and he messed me up a little bit more.  The "Quest Complete" sound rang.  Finally!  At this point, I didn't care about even leaving the map.   I crouched down, to med some more. I examined the item I had picked up: 120 rounds of BT!!  I moved it to my little alpha container.  

And that was the cue for more Russian shouting - another scav head peeked over some sandbags. I raised my weapon, but it was empty. I began reloading, not even bothering to move.  The scav stood up, aimed, and helped me immediately extract.  

Time In Raid: 18 minutes, 36 seconds
Exp: 528
Killed: Lyova Sladkoezhka (Godspeed Lyova, thanks for being real professional about dying).
Ammo Used: 53.  Hits: 4    Accuracy: 0.08 
Healing: 8.5K Rubles


  • I've made the mistake of "casually" shooting at targets before, but this time it cost me.  If I intended to kill that scav, I should have pursued him and have done it proper. If not, I should have let him go.  Blame the quest.
  • Not reloading earlier - my death at the end was entirely avoidable if I had kept my weapon combat ready.
  • Slow reaction to that first scav that shot me. I should have displaced/ran at the first sound of danger - especially considering the futility of the endeavor I was undertaking at the time.
  • Failure to switch to single fire when aiming at range. Rookie move.
  • Did not survive


  • Completed the damn Shootout Picnic Quest. This albatross is finally off my neck.
  • Achieved Level 8.
  • Put the BT ammo in my alpha container.  
  • Switched to auto-fire on the ascent to Scav Bunker. 


With the exception of the  Gunsmithing 1 task all my current outstanding tasks are just find-it-fetch-it tasks.  I will undertake them, but I don't think they will help me grow and develop as a player.  I need more practice with combat, especially PVP.  I may have to assign myself some mini-quests, like "Kill one PMC and extract alive".  
I've had enough of Woods to last me awhile. I may have to try out a new map.  Factory? Interchange? Shoreline? Reserve?   If I can get the Director's Office key, then Factory might be good, to help undertake the "Visit from the Past" Quest.  But, I don't really have access to the weaponry for that (except shotguns...).  


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