Embarking to Woods
- Survive
- Kill Scavs ( 7 more to complete quest )
- Find USEC camp and Convoy, if convenient
Raid 29
Loadout: VPO-136 with two 10-round magazines of BP, and three of PS. Extra PS rounds. Two grenades. Class 5 armored Rig, meds, ears, 3001 Rubles for extract, food. No backpack. Water and Car med-kit in pouch.
Insurance: 0 - (previously insured)
Spawned on west side, near construction equipment and USEC checkpoint. First headed south along wall to Scav house - when I play offline scavs often spawn along this wall, so maybe I'll find some. But nothing. No one at Scav house either. This isn't a safe place to hang out, because players who want to snipe scavs will be looking exactly where I'm standing. Allright, let's head up to USEC and Convoy and then Scav Bunker. As I walked north, heard fighting dead ahead - probably at Scav bunker. Arrived at USEC - it's already been looted. Grabbed a bit of garbage and headed over to convoy. Also looted. It's been quiet at Scav Bunker - so either a player who is as bad as me lost the fight, or, more likely, all the scavs there are dead. My exfil is Car extract or Northern UN Roadblock, so let's bear that way. Went to abandoned village - no one. Onwards to village. No one.
I walked around and around the village - both darting to cover and just walking up and down the street - but no scavs spawned. Looted. Maybe should have brought a backpack. I kept roaming the village, waiting, hoping a scav would spawn. But none did. Took car extract. Did not see a single player or scav the whole raid. And barely heard activity anywhere.
Time In Raid: 32 minutes 44 seconds.
Exp: 622 -- this and the 2000 exp for completing the Search quest push me to Level 7.
Exp: 622 -- this and the 2000 exp for completing the Search quest push me to Level 7.
- forgot to eat and drink. (did not matter, but if a firefight had started up late, that might have been an issue)
- no backpack ? (not sure this is a mistake - I can usually just take a pre-filled one from a body. I still got a fair bit of loot, though)
- Completed Search Quest, which makes good use of the otherwise empty map.
- Level 7
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