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Update: Level 6 and Crawling

Woods is the destination.

  • Survive
  • Locate USEC base and convoy (if convenient)
  • Kill Scavs (need 14)

Raid 23

As much as I like the SKS, its recoil limits the rate of shots I can effectively fire, and that top-loading is a real problem.  It almost got me killed last raid (where I died to dehydration).

I have all this good BP ammo. Might as well use it. Bought a VPO-136 from Fence for 40K.

Loadout: VPO-136 (40K) with two 10 round magazines of BP. One magazine of PS. And 40 rounds of PS in pocket.  Class 3 armor, rig, ears, meds, sling.  3001 rubles for extract.  One flash grenade. Car med kit and water in pouch.  
Insurance: 19K.

Spawned near water on west side, near scope shack.  Was hoping to get a scav kill in scope shack, but no scav present.  Went through it and looted everything.  Headed up to Scav house.  Reached one of the last big rocks before the outskirts minefield, looking across the road to Scav house.  Got cover, peeked out, waiting for a scav.  One started running across the yard, I took aim and my ears!! What was that?  Have they introduced howitzer guns into the game?  My scav was dead, but it wasn't me that killed him.  Another came running to check on his buddy and again the super loud retort sounded off somewhere to my right, two retorts, three, and the scav fell over. 

That weapon was loud - it sounded like it was right on top of me. I backed away and peeked over to my right.  There is a big outcropping north of me, was the shooter on that?  I watched and waited.  He fired again, his retort shaking my teeth and another of my precious scavs fell over.  But no flash.  I've always been quite bad at locating sound sources, and this one was so booming loud, all I could tell it was somewhere to the north. Felt like it was steps away, but no.

I think I am hearing one of the .338 Lapua rounds from the Mk-18. I've never seen (or heard) one before. Think! What do I know? Someone is clearly also on their Woods scav quest. So they might be about my same level and ability. On the other hand, they are using a weapon I thought was a late-game weapon, and let's face it, they might be my same level as me, but no one is my ability - I am the worst.  Fuck it - YOLO baby.  

So, I tucked back towards the water, hoping to flank Mr. Lapua from behind.  But now he wasn't firing.  I made my way to that rock formation north of my previous position. No sign of him. Maybe the next one? Or those many clusters of bushes?  Tucked back and re-approached further down. And someone was shouting in Russian! And firing! At me!  Damn scope shack scav had spawned (finally).  I couldn't see him, but I needed to get out of there - otherwise I was going to be sandwiched between Mr. Lapua and Scope Scav.  I hit cover, moved, cover, moved. Mr Lapua opened fire, my teeth set ajar with each round. He and Scope Scav were having a conversation.  I don't think Mr. Lapua saw me.  But, I still didn't know where he was.  

I returned to my original position. A helpful scav came out from behind scav house and started to pace its side, apparently leeward to Mr. Lapua because he was not firing.  It was not an easy shot. I aimed down sight, held my breath, aimed, aimed, aimed, and pulled the trigger. And he fell over, mid-stride.  Yes!!   And he gave me an idea.  So I looped around, crossing the road near the truck and minefield.  Now I was approaching scav house close, from behind. I heard a scav shout, I leaned out to look for him.  Boom! Thwack! Boom! Thwack! Mr. Lapua was firing, but not at the scav - at me!! Shit.  I ran.  

Ok - screw this. It's getting late. Sooner or later other PMCs are going to be making their way to Outskirts. Maybe one of them can take Mr. Lapuas toy away from him.   Me? I need to survive. I'm out.  I made my way across the map, grabbing a bit more loot as I went.  My the time I exfiled, my rig and little sling bag were full. Bully.

Time In Raid: 27 minutes, 31 seconds.
Exp: 834

Killed Timofey Pogon scav, from 119 meters (using iron sights).      

Only one scav kill.  But I survived and I'm now level 6. ( * )


  • Should have been able to place Mr. Lapua.
  • Zarya Flash Grenade in my rig?  What is the plan for that?
  • Too timid.
  • Only one scav killed.


  • Survived !!
  • Killed a scav (which is better than 0 or dying)
  • Was not headshotted by Mr. Lapua

( * ) - a close reader may note that the Exp from my blogged missions doesn't add up to go from Level 5 to 6.  The difference is in my Scav runs, with which I will not bore you. 

Raid 24

This time I am taking a VPO-209. The weapon is a bit loud, but that FMJ is ammo is great against unarmored opponents. Also, I got a dust-cover with a rail, so now I can sport the Eotech-HHS-1 variable sight that the cool kids use. I could put that same setup on my VPO-136, but decided on the 209.

Insurance: 18K

Spawned exactly the same place as last raid.  Went to scope shack. Looted it. While looting, someone came outside the shack - I huddled in doorway ready to take down any intruder who poked their head in. Instead, the interloper said something in Russian and ran off.  It was the Scope Scav. I ran out after him, but he was already gone. I couldn't see him.

Looped over to the same location as before.  A scav appeared, I started shooting - and missing. Sigh. I've been working on my aim, but I guess I'm not used to using a scope? Good excuse, I'll go with it.   Someone else started firing on that same scav. Someone to the north of me.  Not again.  Another scav appeared - I was firing and missing, the other player firing and hitting. 

I changed position - forget the scavs - let's find the other player.  I waited and waited. As did he. But apparently no scavs were forthcoming. After several minutes, I got bored, shifted back, and a scav appeared.  I aimed, fired, and killed him.  Finally. 

I waited some more - no more scavs appearing anywhere in the vicinity of the Scav house. Decided to leave.  When near the Emercom camp, I stepped out of a bush into a clearing - there was a scav.  I fired, a hit him, but not enough to kill. He ran immediately - I pursued ... and started to black out from exhaustion.  What? I've been just sitting for 30 minutes, how exhausting could that be?  I backed off, drank and ate, and continued out.  

Killed Denig VDV (Scav) from 87.8 meters.
19 shots fired, only 4 hits (boo). But one hit was at 134 meters (yay). 
Time In Raid: 38 minutes, 46 seconds
Exp: 967 

At this rate, it'll take me forever to complete this quest.


  • Too timid? Perhaps should have pursued other hunting grounds.  Not sure where, though. The village is fairly far away. The mill too dangerous for a noob like me.  You can wander woods all day and never run into a scav.
  • Poor aim.
  • Not monitoring hydration and energy. I'd have gotten that second scav but for that.


  • Survived!!
  • Killed another scav.


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