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Update: In Which I Jump Some Player Scavs

  • Kill Scavs (12 more to complete quest)
  • Locate Convoy and USEC camp if convenient
  • Survive (should be goal #1)
Progress: Slow

Raid 25

Loadout: VPO-209 with Eotech-HHS-1 variable sight scope ( I will miss this scope once I am killed and it is looted ).  5 10 round mags of .336 TKM FMJ, two grenades, rig, helmet, class 3 armor, meds in pocket. Water and Car Kit in Pouch. 
Insurance: 0K (previously insured)

Spawned in near UN Roadblock.  Damn. I made a plan for this eventuality, but it's not a good one. Supposedly scavs spawn in the the old train station, and in ZB-014, and a location between. So the plan is go there, follow that arc up into the woods, kill all the scavs, then maybe hit Emercom Camp.

And the plan sucks.  No scavs.  Just trees. And cowardly me slow-walking the forest, stopping at every bush, constantly looking over my shoulder at sniper rock, and jumping at every twig I step on.  For nothing.  After 20 minutes (!!) of no scavs or ewoks I finally arrived behind Emercom.  I scoped it. Seemed quiet. Went up to the rear entrance, slow and quiet as I approached. There is a metal container that makes the east wall of the camp, and as I walked along it I could hear someone gasping inside the container - medding, packing mags.  Ok, so not alone.  

Sloooooowly I entered the camp, scanning for movement, listening to someone pushing their intestines back under their belt as I stalked the edge of the container. A player scav stepped out in front of me, his back to me.  I put five panic shots in him. Probably didn't need four of them. I looked at his body, when I heard footsteps over to my left.  I stood up and quick walked right back the way I came and left the camp.  Went alongside the container again - crouched, ready for someone to follow. Listening for someone to flank.  But no one came.  The footsteps moved around, and then I heard a bag unzip.

Ok, he might have had a buddy, but not a friend.  I slow crouched-walk back in, around, returning towards the scene of the crime.  I ducked between two boxes when the footsteps moved.  At the end of the aisle was another body, and a scav searching it.  Fired five shots into him too (can't be too careful). 

The third body was a USEC PMC, a player named The_Seeker who was killed by the first player scav I got.  The PMC was completely looted. One of the scavs had a Beirkut already loaded with loot, I transferred a bit to my sling to make space, and then threw my sling into his bag and shouldered the Beirkut.  I probably should have stripped weapons, but I'm here to kill scavs, not loot.  

Even though I essentially gunned these guys from behind, like a cockroach, I was shaking, having trouble holding the mouse steady after. This is why I play this game.   I made my way across the map and exited.  I remembered to drink water, but this time my vision began to darken due to _exhaustion_.  So next time bring snacks or charcuterie.

Time in Raid: 38 minutes 20 seconds
Exp: 2220   ( a personal record, I think)

Killed: Denchik Sotana and Alik Tatarin.  Sorry guys for ruining your milk run. And shooting you in the back. Godspeed.   And godspeed to my brother-in-arms The_Seeker, cut down by the cur Denchik Sotana.  I revenged you brother.   May you have found what you sought and need seek no more. 


  • shitty plan for that side of map.  Need to rethink.
  • Maybe too timid?  Hard to say.  After I killed the first player scav, I heard footsteps, but wasn't sure where they were. But with the gunfire, and maybe knowing where his buddy had been, the other scav might have been ready for me.  So, a push would have gotten me killed.  Resetting was the right play. In honesty, it seemed like I acted out of fear, not caution.  But I lived, so there's that.
  • exhaustion - need to bring food (and water) on these long Woods raids.
  • Should have grabbed a weapon from the scav bodies.  Too eager to leave to safety. 


  • Survived.  (do not take that for granted)
  • Killed 100% of the scavs I encountered.


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