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Update: Back in the Saddle

Quest (ongoing): Shootout Picnic in Woods


  • Find and Kill 7 more Scavs
  • Survive
Progress: killing

Raid 32 - M61 FTW

Loadout: class 3 armor (6k to repair), AK-74M (5.45 x 39mm) and three 30-round magazines loaded with a mish-mash of BP, PS, HP (hollow point) and PRS that I've scraped together. This is the first time I've taken an auto-fire capable weapon since starting this quest.  Ears, meds, food, 3001 rubles for extract, 2 grenades. Water and car med-kit are in my little alpha container pouch.
Insurance: 8K

Spawned in against west wall, near construction vehicles. 11:28 AM mostly sunny.  Worked my way down to Scav house.  There was a scav there, killed him with single fire at range. I myself was unhurt. That's one.   Circled round fully behind house near outskirts hoping to catch any player scavs coming in from west minefield area. But no one.  Approached house flipping gun to auto-fire.  There was a scav there. He fired and missed and I gunned him down.  That's two. The way that second scav behaved made me think he might have been a player scav, hard to say.  Crossed road, peeking back at scav house hoping for a scav to spawn, but quiet.  Made my way up to next overlook, peeked towards field outside house and there was a scav, far away.  Carefully aimed, held breath and began firing.  Took a few rounds, but I was landing them and he went down.  That's three.  Hot damn!  Let's see if I can catch scope scav or someone at USEC.  Up to scope shack.  No one there.  Started to work my way through woods towards USEC checkpoint when I took a single round of 7.62x51mm M61 to the head, did not hear the retort of a gun, so must have been suppressed or from a long range.  If from long range then that was an impressive shot. I wasn't jig-jagging like I do when I'm in the open, because of all the trees around me. But still, impressive.

Congratulations to IManKindl for the headshot. I wonder where he was? 

Time In Raid: 14 minutes, 6 seconds
Exp: 689 (would have been a lot more if I'd survived)
Healing: 6.9K Rubles
Kills: Bashir Shustrla, Fedo Murzia, and Zaur Rzhavyy  (all scavs). Godspeed Gents!
Ammo Used: 38, Hits: 15, Accuracy: 0.29.    Longest shot: 136 meters, iron sights.


  • Not jig-jagging ?


  • Killed three scavs in under 15 minutes without sustaining a single scratch. 
  • Correctly managed switch from single fire to auto fire and back. 

Raid 33 - M61 FTW redux

Loadout: M1 armored rig (11K repair), VPO-209 with five 10-round magazines of .336 TKM FMJ. Amazingly, that Eotech scope+sight came back on insurance, so I have that.  3001K rubles for extract, meds, food, 2 grenades.  Water and Car med-kit in pouch. 
Insurance: 31K ( ouch!! )

Time was 15:34 when I spawned near scope shack. Sunny weather.  Checked and looted scope shack. No sign of Scope Scav.  Hooked down to a spot overlooking Scav House. No activity.  Crossed road, checked out Scav House.  Nadie.  Made my way back around to scope shack. Still no sign of Scope Scav.  Let's check out USEC. Went deeper into woods this time.  Started catching fire - I could hear the weapon firing. Sounded a little like an AK.  Before I could finish turning and running was struck dead by a single round of 7.62x51mm M61 (again?) to the thorax.  I was probably not 50 meters away from where I was similarly one-tapped last raid.   I wonder if he landed other hits on my armor?  

Congratulations GreatGazoo_TTV for the kill. Unfortunately, GreatGazoo_TTV seems not to have been streaming at the time of my demise. I was hoping to see where he was. 

Time In Raid: 8 minutes, 41 seconds
Exp: 68
Healing: 7K Rubles


  • unlucky


  • remembered to eat and drink before this raid.  For all the good it did me.

Raid 34 - Loudouts Matter

Loadout: Class 3 Kirasa Armor.  VPO-136 with two 10-round magazines of BP and 3 of PS, no sight. Meds, 2 grenades. Water and Car med-kit in pouch. But no food (will have to forage).
Insurance: 7K

Spawned in on spine at roughly 7am.  Made my way to south end of Village. Hunted round and in the village. After a complete cycle, caught a scav back near the south end.  Gunned him down at 45 meters with no injury to self.  That's one.  Kept making circuits in and through village hoping more scavs would spawn, but no.  Allright, let's head up to Abandoned Village. I'm not super familiar with that area, but sitting and rotting is not a good strategy.  Made my way there, started searching the water side.  When crouched and peeking a scav ran in a bit behind me and crouched in a different bush. I carefully aimed, held my breath and shot him right in the head ... and he shouted and started moving and firing on me.  What?  I moved, dodged to cover. He was in the brush, but I couldn't see him clearly. Started firing on his position, rushed him and gunned him down.  Not the most elegant play. But that makes two. He had shot me up a little.  I retreated and hid in the back corner of a three sided shed.  Medded. Was able to restore most health, but I had a broken hand.  Also, hydration and energy were low.  I drank some water and began to eat the sugar I had stolen earlier. Just then heard the stutter step clomp of a player. Shit!  How do I stop eating? Tabbed away and got my gun up, just then a player with helmet, rig and armor  appeared at the mouth of the shed and, unbelievably, sat down in front of me, his back to me.  I gave him an object lesson in the importance of clearing corners.  I felt bad for the severity of my teaching method, but what can I say, that's how I was taught.   

Even more surprisingly, that was not a PMC, but a player scav. So that's three!!  This raid is turning out allright.  I took his backpack without searching it (one of the advantages of not having ones own backpack).  He was armed with an MP-153 shotgun. I took it and the shells.  

My vision is blurring and my health dropping.  I medded some more and checked to see what the problem was. The broken hand was contributing to the pain and blurring vision. No bleeds that I could see, so not sure why I should have health dropping.    Allright, that settles it. Let's head back to the car extract and if it's there get the hell out of here.

Right before the car extract I took another painkiller.  Best to be prepared if any scavs showed up (though it was clear now).  Approached car and .... requires 3000 rubles.  What do you mean? I always have 3001 rubles on me. Oh shit!  I forgot. I had it the last two raids, but forgot to re-equip after the last death.  What's my next nearest extract?  Outskirts.      

I began the hike. Made sure there were no Scavs down below me in the open beach area, and then hustled down and started walking not far from the waters edge. Vision blurring again as the PK wore off.  Suddenly a Scav shouted right in my ear! And shot me with a shotgun.   I staggered away.  Amazingly he didn't follow. I didn't go far. I used up the last of my meds and my esmarch. But I was in bad shape - losing blood, low energy, my leg fucked up.  There is no way I'm going to make it limping to Outskirts like this - I'll die of exhaustion or blood loss.  But, I only need one more Scav to finish this quest, and I happen to know where one is. I took my last pain killer and turned around.  

Where is he? He wasn't on the beach. There is a grassy garden up next to the houses - it's super hard to see Scavs there, and one often lurks there. Maybe that's where he is.  I went there. Nothing. Cleared the edge of the houses. Nothing. Bus stop, bus, street? No sign of him.  Bushes below bridge? I started down again, when suddenly the Scav ran up behind me from the street (where had he been?) and started firing. I would never kill him with this carbine I can't hold steady. But maybe a grenade? I keyed it but fell over dead before it could be armed. Fuck.

Time In Raid: 22 minutes, 19 seconds.
Exp: 809
Healing: 10K

Killed by Spiriden Zebra (scav houdini) using 12/70 8.5 mm buckshot. 

Kills: Pasha Upitysh, Botir Psih, and Svyatopolk Dzhin (scavs)


  • I forgot to search the Player Scavs backpack. It might have had food, water and meds. Any of which might have changed the outcome. Heck, it might have had money for extract.  Huge mistake not searching. It's fine to quickly grab like that, but was stupid to be ignorant in what I was carrying.  
  • The fire fight with the second scav was ugly. Rushing into fire is a good way to die. Got lucky he didn't mess me up more.
  • Was it karma when I was killed by the Scav? Was there a corner I didn't clear up on the street?
  • But for 3000 Rubles...


  • Killed three more Scavs.


By my count I have only one more scav to kill to finish this quest. I should go through my blog posts to confirm. But Prapor says I have two more required. If the "off by one" bug is back then I may need three.  I have been avoiding scav runs - just focusing on getting this quest done. However, after the recent costs I've incurred with three deaths in a row, I may need to get back to digging grubs before my resources run dry. 


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