To Not Lose Goat released a second video discussing cheating. The part that I found the most compelling was the interview with one of the anti-cheat devs who work on The Cycle Frontier. He made the comment that while RMT was definitely a motivator for cheating, their experience suggests that "most cheaters cheat to win. Or, more specifically, to not lose." I feel like that's the crux of it right there, and it aligns with the various comments I've seen elsewhere on the internet from people who admit to cheating. People cheat to not lose . Frankly, I'm sympathetic. Tarkov is difficult and has often crossed the line from grueling to grinding. As a casual player myself, who still hasn't even reached the flea market (where the game becomes an entirely different game), I can understand the motivation. But if "to not lose" is the main motivator, that's entirely within BSG's control. Here are some suggestions. Lower the Flea M...